(BNHA) Dabi x Reader

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Warning mention of abuse

You sat chained to the basement wall your (H/c) (H/l) covering your dull (e/c) eyes. There was always someone down there with you watching your every move. He was the only one who seemed to talk to you normally. He'd always sit right in front of you he spoke such sweet words trying to haze you into their group. His words word a sickeningly addictive poison. You had been so close to breaking and joining one too many times. You can't succumb, not when you were so close to your dreams of being a hero. You were just accepted into a good agency as Best Jeanest's sidekick. Yet every word made you come so much closer to wanting to stand next to them, to him. Today was no exception. He sat before you his electric blue eyes staring down at you a smirk tugged at his lips. God, you wanted to kiss those lips. Grabbing your head you couldn't help wondering what was wrong with you...Was this Stockholm syndrome? Honestly, you didn't care. For a villain, he always was so kind to you. As soon as his smooth, sexy voice left his lips you looked up to his face. Your eyes peered into his, even though he was one of your captors you felt at peace with him.

"Excited to see me I see," He let out a low chuckle his large calloused hands gently touched your (s/c) cheek

"You know if you just joined us you wouldn't need to be tortured." His eyes showed pity at your weak form all you could do was look at the floor.

"Why are you so nice to me? Everyone else that comes down here only comes trying to break me" You let out a pained whisper disregarding his statement. His eyes studied your form. He was well aware the others were trying to break you. He was supposed to be doing the same so why wasn't he, he wasn't even sure himself. His hand pulled your chin up forcing you to look him in the eyes. His hold wasn't tight though and even weakened you could've easily pulled away. You were wary of him still unsure of what was to ensue

"You're beautiful," even he was shocked he said it and yet it felt so right to him. He saw something in you and not just as a potential ally. He admired your ability to stay strong even in such a despairing situation, he loved that you could still make snide remarks and how your eyes sparkled ever so slightly when you saw him.

"Oh yeah cause a starving woman in pain is so sexy, fucking kinky bastard." you rolled your eyes so hard they felt like they'd fall out your head. For an unknown reason, you always let your guard down around this man. You wanted to learn more about him, why he had the dark burned skin everywhere, what he liked to do in his free time and so on. You knew your feelings were wrong especially in these circumstances but you desperately wanted what he said to be true.

"I'm not lying, I don't know why but there's just something about you." His beautiful eyes looked directly into yours almost like he was searching for something. He closed his eyes leaning in closer his lips hovering over yours for a second before he placed them on yours. He was surprisingly delicate with you and even though the kiss only lasted a couple of seconds. It felt like an eternity passed and every moment was packed with so much passion. The butterflies in your stomach were causing a commotion. His burned lips were your bane and you couldn't help but give in kissing him back with just as much passion. You loved every moment and what was wrong with it melted away as you succumb to his will. He pulled away from you a smirk danced on his lips. The mischief in his eyes shone brightly like he just won the biggest prize at the fair.

"There's more of that if you join us." His tone of voice showed how proud he was and as much as you wanted to deny him and continue fighting you couldn't you knew you fell for him.

"On one condition," he quirked an eyebrow at this ushering you to continue unsure of the condition.

"I won't kill anyone. I'll heal you guys, I'll use my mechanic abilities to help create gadgets but I just can't kill anyone. I refuse," Dabi gave you a look before calling out for the boss who wasn't extremely pleased with the fact he had to come back down for what he assumed would be something dumb.

"She agreed to join with a couple of conditions." Shigaraki gave an annoyed sighed scratching at the already raw skin on his neck. You could tell this was something he did regularly the skin on his neck was so red and dry it looked painful. Dabi explained what you had already said and with a bit of contemplation, he begrudgingly accepted your conditions. Shigaraki knew full well a powerful healer such as yourself would be good on their side. Shigaraki towered over you grabbing the chain on your wrist. Even with the creepy hand over his face, you could tell he was glaring. His crimson eyes seem to wish you were dead but he looked at Dabi the same way something told you he just hated everyone. The chains around your wrist were nothing but dust and you felt a bit of relief. You rubbed your sore wrist you've been chained there for at least a couple of weeks it was nice, the lack of chains chaffed you. Standing up you couldn't help but stumble a bit, it was to be expected not using your legs for a long period of time would do that. Dabi couldn't help but laugh as you stumbled around like a newborn fawn. After laughing for a solid 5 minutes he wrapped his muscular arm around your waist to steady you as you walked out of your cell with him.

"Need help with the stairs?"

"I'm perfectly fine on my own." giving him a subtle glare, he let go of your waist and push you gently forward. Let's just say you didn't get far. Dabi reached out grabbing your arm stopping you from falling flat on your face. Although you were against it he scooped you up bridal style carefully carrying you up the stairs. Where you were welcomed with new allies and a new life waiting for you. Dabi looked down at you a smirk on his lips as he kissed your cheek.

"Welcome to the Leauge doll"

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