(Hunter x Hunter)Hisoka Morrow x Reader

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Hisoka sat cross-legged on the ruined, dusty ledge with me in his lap. I dangled my legs over the ledge as I listened to the usual bickering that was the Phantom Troupe. I looked up to Hisoka curiously to which he gave me a closed eye smile before pecking me on the nose. Actually the bickering this time was over Hisoka and me everyone couldn't believe their eyes, or ears when they heard that not only did Hisoka have a girlfriend but they were officially engaged. The general topic seemed to anger Phinks.

"How come the creepy, pedophile, clown has a cute girl and I can't get anyone!" Phinks whined.

"Well maybe if you weren't so annoying someone would like you," Machi retorted monotonously.

Hisoka found this mess amusing rather enjoying charade while I had found it confusing. I knew about Hisoka's lifestyle and I have been to a few Troupe meetings, sure but I wasn't a member although most the troupe apparently enjoyed my company. I was far from being a Phantom Troupe Member actually, my Nen ability was quite weak. My ability allowed me to calm people which was an aid in fighting an upset person but someone like Illumi or Chrollo would be able to kill me in an instant.

Unfortunately, I had to agree with Hisoka this time as the bickering was rather fun to watch. Chrollo entered the room, the room went silent. I carefully rose from my "VIP" seat and calmly walked toward the 'boss.' Everyone's eyes followed my movements right to the moment I stopped in front of him to the moment I had flicked his head to gain his attention as he was reading. The rooms became quite, murmur stopped, dead silence. Anticipation and a thick tense atmosphere covered the room's once rambunctious nature. Chrollo grabbed my arm tightly.

"What did I tell you about interrupting my reading?"

"Not to."

"And?" he asked his eyes finally meeting my gaze. I smiled brightly my eyes sparkling in joy.

"I interrupted but you totally ruined the mood. You made it boring." Chrollo cocked an eyebrow looking up to me. He snapped his book shut everyone, except Hisoka thinking it was the end of me.

"Hm, okay I'll try not to ruin the 'mood' next time." Everyone was dumbfounded by his reaction

"What did you need anyway?" 


"For?" I look away becoming flustered

"I may, or may not be engaged... to Hisoka and wanted your permission as you're my last living family." Chrollo just shrugged.

"Do what you want it your life but just so you know I may kill him in the future."

"I doubt you'll kill him," I said confidently walking back to Hisoka who was chuckling. He enjoyed watching our sibling rivalry they were definitely interesting. If anyone else were to try what I pulled on Chrollo they would be dead in an instant so Hisoka always enjoyed our odd interactions.

"I think for dinner I may just have to eat you~" Hisoka purred licking his lips, his eyes glossing over with lust. I quickly cover my redding face with my hands as Hisoka carried me out.

"WAIT IS NO ONE GOING TO TALK ABOUT HOW THE BOSS IS RELATED TO (Y/N)!!!" Phinks yell could be heard in the distance.

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