Kuroo Tetsurou x reader

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  I sat under the tall oak tree that stood behind the school. Kenma, one of my best friends and Kuroo, my boyfriend said they'd meet me here at lunch and... well lunch started 10min ago. So here I sit alone thinking that they probably had volleyball practice and decided to 'abandon' me, which is fine I prefer being alone anyways. I pull out a book from my bag that I was currently reading, usually, I would be playing a game or something on my phone but I was stupid today and forgot that stuff at home so now I'm reading a really good book, (Fave Novel or Manga). I open the page to where I left off and start reading but before I could even get through 2 pages I hear someone yelling my name. Looking up from my book I see Kuroo... without Kenma, that's strange he's always with Kenma I thought.

"Kuroo, Where's Kenma?"

"I don't know he wasn't in any of his classes, probably sick"

"Oh, ok"

"Why? do you love him more than me?" he asked playfully

"you know I love you more than Kenma he's a friend I was just worried"

Kuroo sat beside me under the tree carefully wrapping an arm around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder.

"So, What are you reading?"

"I was going to read (Novel/Manga/other)"

"Well, what's stopping you from reading it?" he said as he took it from me.

"Currently you, can I have it back" I reply

"Well if you want it back you'll have to kiss me for it"

I look up at him a sly smirk plastered on his face

"Umm... Nah you can keep it" I say

"Aw (Y/N) you're no fun" he whined.

"yup," I say looking into his golden eyes

he slightly scowled, but before he could say anything. Giving him a toothy grin I peck his noes.

"I thought you said you wouldn't kiss me"

" I said you could keep the book not that I wouldn't kiss you, But now that I think about it I sorta want my book back." He chuckled at my oddness handing my book back.

"There you have your book, happy?"

"Yeah, I guess but I-uh could use another kiss" I blushed

he rolled his eyes before kissing me on the cheek.

"Now are you good"

"definitely" I giggled

we sat there in comfortable silence before I spoke up.

"How did me and you, two polar opposites get together?"

"Well you see..." he started

"I came up to you and asked you would you like to go out on a date and after flat-out rejecting me twice, you finally said yes," he said proudly.

"I know that part, but what do you see in me?"

"Well you're cute, funny, smart and you can be strange but I love that about you"

I turned a light pink from what he said and smiled to myself. How he saw that in me I was unsure of, but he made me happy anyway. 


"Yes kitten"

I roll my eyes, but continue

"I love you"

"I love you more," he said kissing me on the cheek

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