Chapter 11

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[3:04pm] Where are you?

[3:05pm] Nice to talk to you too.

[3:05pm] For Gods sake...

-Incoming Call-

-Sherlock Holmes-

"John, I need your help."

"Alright, fine. What's wrong?"

"It would seem I have been... invited on a... romantic cinema trip..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. You've been asked on a date?"

"It was appear so..."


"John... John stop laughing."


"John this is serious. Stop laughing."



"I'm not laughing."

"Yes you are."


"See! You're doing it again!"

"Sorry! Sorry, I just... Who asked you?"


"Mary's friend? She seems nice."

"Mmm, not my type."

"You have a type?"


"You just said you did."


"What is your type then? Short? Blonde?"



"Where are you?"

"Who? Me or your soulmate?"

"Yes, you."


"Where are you?"


"What, why? I thought you lived in London."

"I do."

"Then why are you in Wales?"

"I'm on holiday."



"In Wales?"


"For how long?"

"A week."

"A week?!"

"Yeah. Why is that so surprising?"

"It's just... a long time I suppose..."

"Sherlock, I am coming back!"

"I know..."



"What are you going to say to Janine then?"

"I was hoping you'd know."

"Well... Say yes, I guess."



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