Chapter 2

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John / Sherlock


[7:15am] Hey. Umm... Sorry about earlier.

[7:17am] Who is this?

[7:18am] Sorry, it's John. John Watson.

[7:20am] Why are you apologising?

[7:21am] Because of the phone call.

[7:23am] Oh.

[7:24am] What do you mean 'oh'?

[7:27am] Well, what am I supposed to say?

[7:29am] I don't know. Say 'It's fine' or something.

[7:32am] Is that what normal people do?

[7:33am] Because I wouldn't know that. You know, not being human and all.

[7:35am] I said I'm sorry!

[7:39am] It's fine. Can you leave me alone now?

[7:40am] Am I really annoying you that much?

[7:41am] Actually, yes.

[7:41am] Charming.

[7:42am] Mmm.

[7:44am] What the hell does 'Mmm' mean?

[7:46am] It means, is this conversation over yet?

[7:47am] Do you want it to be?

[7:48am] Yes.

[7:49am] Then why are you still replying?

[7:54am] Oh, I see.

[8:01am] Not replying now?

[8:13am] How childish.

[8:39am] C'mon. Talk to me! I'm bored.

[8:40am] You're bored so you're coming to me?

[8:41am] Don't you have some friends you should be talking to?

[8:43am] There not my friends.

[8:43am] *They're

[8:45am] Are you like this in real life?

[8:47am] You mean this isn't real life?

[8:48am] Wow.

[8:50am] I've amazed you.

[8:53am] Yes. With your wondrous ways of sarcasm.

[8:58am] Alliteration.

[8:59am] Can you pop balloons underwater?

[9:02am] You're asking me?

[9:04am] Well yes, that was the plan.

[9:37am] The deeper you push the balloon into the water the greater the pressure the water will exert on the balloon and the balloon will shrink in size until the pressure exerted by the air in the balloon is the same as the pressure of the water at the depth of the balloon.

[9:38am] So no.

[9:39am] It will just shrink.

[9:41am] That kept you busy for a while.

[9:43am] It was quite entertaining really.

[9:47am] Not so boring now, am I?


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