Chapter 4

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John had his suspicions when he finally reached Baker Street. Who was he supposed to be meeting with?

He saw a strange man in a suit with an umbrella and assumed it must be him.

"John Watson." The man said. His voice sounded vaguely familiar.

"What did you do to Sherlock?" He asked aggressively.

"What did you do to your hamster?" He asked whilst looking down at the phone in his hand, "I have to admit, your conversations did keep me amused." His voice sounded extremely British.

"Where did you get that phone from?" He asked realising that the phone must be Sherlock's.

"My brother." The man replied, "For the past few weeks he has been rather glued to his phone screen. You should've seen how his face lit up whenever he got a message. Obviously, I was worried about my little brother when he suddenly ignored his phone whenever he received a message."

"You're his brother?" John asked although he didn't need an answer, "Why did he stop replying? Is he okay?"

"John, he locked himself in his room and he hasn't come out for a week." The man said sadly.


"I was about to ask you the same question."

"No, I mean why do you think I can help? I tried! I really tried but I can't." John said suddenly feeling a lump in his throat as his eyes welled up. Why did he care so much about a man he'd never spoken to in person? He barely knew him.

"Okay, John. I'm going to give him his phone. Knowing him, he will ignore me but he will give in eventually. Call him." The man said as if he'd rehearsed it beforehand.

"How do you know it will work?"

"I don't." The man replied whilst walking away.

"So that's it? I don't even know who you are and you're expecting me to be able to 'mend' your brother?" John asked.

"I'm sure my brother has told you about me." He said scrolling through the past messages, "Despise? He does love to be dramatic doesn't he?"

"How would I know?"

"Because you know him better than his own mother knows him. He trusts you."

"Why would he trust me?"

"God knows."

A car pulled up alongside the man who proceeded to get in. The expensive looking car drove off leaving John on the side of the road to think through what just happened.

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