Chapter 18

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-1 week later-


-Incoming Call-

-John Watson-

"Hello John."

"Okay... Just bare with me a second..."

-Requested FaceTime-

-FaceTime Accepted-

With that, a very pixilated image of Sherlock appeared on my screen. His curly locks were all over the place. He is pale skin seemed even paler in the lighting. He smiled at me and my heart sank. He looked so happy and I didn't want to be the one to ruin that. I couldn't tell him. No. I had to tell him. It was too late. It was now or never.

"John?" Sherlock asked, his smile dropping slightly.


"Where are you?"

"An airport."

"Which one?" By this time his smile had completely vanished from his face and it was my fault.

"Gatwick." I replied pulling on my jumper sleeves, hoping it wouldn't be visible on the camera.

"What are you doing there?"

"I-I'm... Um..." The words wouldn't come out. I needed a sudden burst of courage or I'd remain silent forever. I was quite happy to, as well. Less painful for everyone.


"I'm going to America." I blurted out so fast I wouldn't be surprised if he understood none of it.


"For army doctor training..." I added noticing he sounded too relieved. I avoided looking at the phone as I didn't want to see how hurt Sherlock was.

"For how long?" I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"You know... A few months..."

"How many?"

"Just a few..."

"John." The way he said my name made my stomach flip.

"Around 11 months." I answered finally.



"Who are you going with?" Sherlock started, "Where are you going to stay? What date do you get back? How long until your plane leaves? What-"

"Sherlock, just shut up a second and listen."


"Because I have something to say."



"Yes you do."


"Have something to say."

"I know."


"I need to tell you something."


"So don't interrupt."

"I won't."



"Good... Okay..."

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