Chapter 6

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[9:31am] Good morning, Mr Holmes.

[9:32am] Happy Birthday, Mr Watson.

[9:33am] How the hell did you know it was my birthday?

[9:33am] Well, why else would you be so enthusiastic at 9 o'clock in the morning?

[9:35am] You're amazing, Sherlock! You know that, right?

[9:38am] Sherlock?

[10:03am] Look on top of your fireplace.

[10:05am] You broke into my house?

[10:10am] Nice wrapping skills, I must say.

[10:16am] I like the bow.

[10:24am] I'm about to open it.

[10:25am] Should I wear protective gear?

[10:32am] Jesus, Sherlock.

[10:34am] You didn't have to.

[10:35am] You like it then?

[10:35am] Like it? I could kiss you!



[12:08am] Are you busy?

[12:10am] Sherlock, it's midnight. What do you want?

[12:13am] Where are you?

[12:14am] I'm at home. In bed. Why?

[12:14am] I need your help.

[12:16am] Sherlock. I'm in bed.

[12:18am] So, see you at Baker Street in 5 minutes?

[12:19am] 5 minutes? I'm already there.


John stood on the side of the street, staring down at his phone. He was wearing his birthday present from Sherlock, a jumper. However much he loved the jumper, it didn't help to keep him warm.

As Sherlock walked down the street towards him, he suddenly felt sick. This was going to be the first time they had talked face to face. Was John really ready for that?

Sherlock was wearing a long black coat which flew behind him dramatically. His jet black hair seemed to bounce as he walked. As he got closer, John could finally see his facial features. He looked nothing like his brother. His sharp cheekbones were complimented by his cupid's bow lips. His bright, piercing eyes were like galaxies - easy to get lost in.

"Hello John." Sherlock said with a smile on his face.

John was caught off guard slightly by the deepness of his voice. He'd heard him talk before but it sounded deeper than he had remembered.

"Um... Yeah, hi." John cleared his throat, "Hi Sherlock."

There was an awkward silence as neither of the men knew what to say.

"Why Baker Street?" John asked suddenly.

"I know the landlady at 221B. I'm hoping to live there when I'm older."

Watson smiled to himself in the darkness when suddenly Sherlock started walking.

"This way." He instructed, heading towards the park.


Once the men had reached the park, Sherlock turned to face John.

"So... Our first conversation in person. You and me. Face to face." John said nervously pulling at his jumper sleeves.

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