Chapter 7

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-A Few Weeks Later-


-Incoming Call-

-John Watson-

"Hey Holmes!"


"Listen... Do you want to come round?"

"C-come round? You mean... Your house?"

"My house."

"So... In fact you're... Inviting me... To your house?"

"That was kind of the plan, yeah..."


"I don't know... I just thought... You might be bored."


"But I mean... If you don't want to..."

"Oh, no... I-I would... Like to..."


"...Come round..."


"...To your house..."

"I know."




"So... Do you want to come... Now?"


"See you in a bit?"




John led on his bed with Sherlock sat next to him. Watson was suddenly aware of how much more relaxed they were in each other's presence. They had been talking for a while but John decided it was time to ask the question he'd wanted to ask for a while.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"Do you..." John trailed off, not knowing how to phrase his question.

"Do I..."

" anyone?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes and looked down at his friend. "I assume you mean romantically?"

John nodded, refusing to break eye contact.

Sherlock sighed dramatically and he led down next to John. "Romantic interests? I... Well even if I did, I'm me. Who would like someone like me?"

"I do."

Why did I say that? Why did I say that? Why did I say that?

"No, not in that way. Not in the way parents do to make you feel better. I mean love... Or a very strong liking. I didn't mean as a friend, John."

Few... Still time to climb out of this hole you've dug for yourself John.

"I know..." John blushed turning his head towards the wall. He could practically feel Sherlock's gaze burning into his skull.

Why. Did. I. Say. That.

Holmes coughed suddenly before standing up and announcing, "Um... I-I have to... Go... I've got a... A thing."

Now look what you've done! You've scared him off. Wow. There goes your one semi-decent shot at flirting. Well done, John. You've really outdone yourself this time.

Once at the door, Sherlock walked out onto the street and turned to John.

"Thank you for coming..." John muttered awkwardly.

"Thank you for inviting me. I had..." Sherlock paused as if he was searching for the right word to use, "fun?"

Watson lowered his gaze to the floor, "Good."

Through the wind, John swore he could hear a faint chuckle. It could only be from Sherlock. Sherlock was laughing? At him? With him?

Was John looking too much into this? He did have a tendency to over think things.

Instead of asking questions, John watched as Sherlock began to walk away.

"I'll text you." He heard him say.

Watson couldn't help but smile, "You'd better."

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