Chapter 10

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[1:02pm] Hello Doctor Watson.

[1:05pm] Are you going to call me that every time?

[1:06pm] Depends.

[1:06pm] On?

[1:07pm] When you're going to get bored of me.

[1:09pm] I'm never going to get bored of you.

[1:09pm] I'm more worried about when you're going to get bored of me.

[1:10pm] I could never get bored of you John Watson.

[1:10pm] Doctor.

[1:11pm] Doctor John Watson.

[1:14pm] Where are you?

[1:15pm] How do you know I'm not at home?

[1:15pm] Not important.

[1:15pm] I'm walking.

[1:16pm] Where?

[1:16pm] Anywhere.

[1:17pm] Why?

[1:18pm] Why not?

[1:19pm] Reasonable answer.

[1:20pm] I'm trying to clear my head.

[1:20pm] Of?

[1:22pm] Thoughts.

[1:23pm] About?

[1:23pm] About everything.

[1:24pm] Everything except you.

[1:31pm] Put up your coat hood.

[1:32pm] What? Why?

[1:33pm] Trust me.

[1:33pm] Okay.

[1:33pm] It's up.

[1:34pm] Why would I need my coat hood up if it's not raining?

[1:35pm] Oh.

[1:35pm] My.

[1:35pm] God.

[1:36pm] What the hell?

[1:36pm] Bloody hell Sherlock.

[1:37pm] How?

[1:37pm] How what?

[1:38pm] How did you know it was going to rain?

[1:38pm] Didn't you know?

[1:38pm] Know what?

[1:39pm] I'm a genius.



[8:27pm] Sherlock?

[8:27pm] Yes?

[8:29pm] Who's the murderer?

[8:30pm] Murder? What murder? Who? When? Where?

[8:31pm] Wow. Sherlock, calm down. Not an actual murder.

[8:31pm] Interesting to see how fast you responded though.

[8:32pm] I feel like that says something about you.

[8:33pm] Anyway, I meant in Cluedo.

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