Chapter 12

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-One Year Later-

((A/N Sorry for the sudden jump but you can all just assume that the year was full of happy Johnlock moments and texting about sandwiches))


[8:09pm] Congratulations.

[8:10pm] For what?

[8:11pm] Graduating.

[8:12pm] Oh... yeah.

[8:12pm] Will I be calling you doctor yet?

[8:14pm] You already do, Sherlock. But it takes about 10 years to become a doctor.

[8:14pm] 7 years to go then?

[8:17pm] It was a shame you weren't there yesterday.

[8:17pm] You mean I wasn't there to see you trip up the stairs on the way to recieving your degree cetificate.

[8:18pm] How did you know I...

[8:18pm] I was there, John.

[8:19pm] I'm always there.

[8:20pm] Okay, now you sound like a stalker...

[8:24pm] Are you back to living with your family again now?

[8:24pm] Sherlock...

[8:24pm] The sounding like a stalker thing...

[8:25pm] Not making it any better...

[8:26pm] How do you know I'm not a stalker?

[8:26pm] Given the things I've said to you within the past years it would be an entirely reasonable accusation.

[8:27pm] Why do you assume I'm not?

[8:28pm] I don't assume, I know.

[8:29pm] How can you be sure you know?

[8:30pm] Well... I guess you can never be sure.

[8:30pm] Because...

[8:31pm] Until proven otherwise anything can be possible.

[8:31pm] You could be a stripper purely because I don't have any evidence that you're not.

[8:31pm] You could be anything.

[8:32pm] Therefore, you could be a stalker.

[8:32pm] Very good...

[8:33pm] I could be a computer. I could be an otter. I could be a figment of your imagination. I could be anything purely because it hasn't been proven otherwise. Whilst you still don't fully know who or what I am, the possiblity of me being anything is still there.

[8:33pm] That's brilliant...

[8:35pm] John, imagine you have a box. A closed box sitting on your table.

[8:35pm] Okay...

[8:35pm] What's in it?

[8:36pm] Anything...

[8:36pm] Exactly.

[8:37pm] What's the point?

[8:37pm] There is no point, that's the point.

[8:38pm] You're a genius.

[8:38pm] No, John.

[8:39pm] No?

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