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Third pov.

Later that day Sun ended up having to head back to her apartment to change and go to work. She didn't want to leave her boys or slip back to her big headspace but she knew she had to make some money and couldn't miss anymore work. At the coffee shop it was slow and Sun found herself bored and on her phone watching YouTube videos. She was always watching makeup tutorials or dance videos, both things she wasn't good at but she enjoyed them anyway.

A text appeared on her screen, distracting her from the current makeup tutorial she was watching-


TaeTae💜: Hi Princess !!! I miss u so so
much and I hope ur having a good day!

Yoonie😴: hi baby, I also miss u a lot
and I hope work is going good.

Hey! I miss you both so much!!
Work is sooo slowww 😩🥺

TaeTae💜: awe :( I'm sorry it's so
slow!! Just walk out and come home to

Yoonie😴: tae u know she can't do that..
tho I wish u could baby.

Awe I wish I could.. also
I might have to stay at my apartment
tonight.. I have to wash clothes, and
make sure my food isn't all expired..
and water my plants 🪴

Yoonie😴:I'm gonna miss u a lot
tonight.. but we understand.

TaeTae💜: but.. I need my Princess
You should totally move in with us!!

Wait- for real?

Yoonie😴: I know it's soon but
you're over all the time anyways..
and we love you baby. We would love
if u moved in with us ❤️

TaeTae💜: yes! And if you didn't
want to work, we could take care of u
so that u could focus on school!!

Oh wow- I mean, can I think
about it today? It's a big decision 🥺

Yoonie😴: of course baby, take your time.
We love you ❤️

TaeTae💜: we love u a lot!!!

I love u both too! I gtg
I'll text u when I'm off!!


Sun put her phone down and sighed as she looked around the empty shop. "Am I ready to move in..?" She mumbled to herself. She grabbed a pen and piece of paper and began to write down pros and cons. Pros, she would be able to see her boys everyday, she would be able to slip more into her headspace and she would have lots of cuddle time. Cons... Sun thought about it, "I mean.. I love my alone time and I love my apartment but I love them more.. but am I ready?" She asked herself once more.

In the middle of her thoughts she was forced to snap out of it as she heard the bell from the front door ring. She put her pen and paper in her apron and smiled as she greeted the customer. It slowly started to get a bit busier, nothing she couldn't handle though. Sun absolutely loved her job and she thought more about what Taehyung said in the text about her not having to work if she didn't want to. She thought how nice it would be to have someone or well two someone's take care of her and she would have more time to focus on her school work and other things but even if she moved in with them she didn't think she could quit her job.

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