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Mi Sun woke up and groaned as her head was hurting like crazy; she was hungry and tired and dirty and she honestly just wanted to back with Tae and Yoongi and take a nice hot bath and eat a crap load of noodles. She looked up as she heard the door open and in walked Junguk, carrying a tray of food and a glass of water. "P-please let me go-" She said in a weak and dry voice.

Junguk sighed and sat the tray on a small black night stand beside the bed, before sitting down by the girl. He untied her from the bed so that she could sit up and eat the food he brought. He placed his hand on her arm, causing Sun to flinch and he frowned. "Why can't you just be happy Sun? We are finally together and now our love will be real!" He said making Sun cry laugh; she felt as if she was going crazy and it hadn't even been that long, she just knew what Jungkook was capable of and how far he would go to get what he wants.

"D-dont you see?! This will never b-be real Junguk! I don't love you. All you do is hurt me.. I will never love you." She said and looked away from the male. Junguk could feel all the anger in his body build up and he slapped her on the face, making Sun whimper and cry more. "If that's how you see me then that's how I'll treat you." He said and got up. "Let me know whenever you decide to play nice then maybe I'll let you out of this room and join me upstairs." He spoke before got up and left the room, locking the door behind him and leaving Sun there sobbing quietly.


Taehyung and Yoongi hadn't slept right since Sun went missing. They tried sleeping and taking naps but they would wake up after thirty minutes or less and worry about their baby. Namjoon was staying over and helping look for the girl while Jin comforted the boys.

It was around three pm whenever Namjoon jumped up from his spot, "YOONGI, TAE-" he screamed and the boys came running in the room, along with Jin. "What is it Joon?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon smiled and walked over to them, "I found him."

Taehyung broke out into a fit of cries, mostly happy to being closer to getting Sun back but some scared of what they could find. Jin hugged the youngest and Yoongi looked at Namjoon, "Where?" He spoke in a soft but anger voice. He wanted to hurt Junguk for taking their baby, and if she was hurt he didn't what he might do.

Namjoon put the locating in his phone and they all got in the car before heading that way. Of course the other couple was coming with incase Yoongi and Tae needed help.

They got to Junguk's house and parked across the street. "How are we doing this?" Tae asked and Yoongi sighed, "Baby.. You're not doing this. You and Jin should stay here incase something happens and I want you to be safe."

"No- you can't stop me Yoongi. That's my baby in there too and I am coming with you guys to help. I don't care what you say." Yoongi nodded and they came up with a small plan.  "Ok so Jin will go to the front door, knock and distract Junguk while Namjoon, Tae and I  go around to the back door and break in. Namjoon will watch for Junguk incase Jin loses him and me and Tae will find sun. Sounds good?"

Everyone nodded then got out of the car. Jin went up to the front door and watched as the other three ran around the house. He knocked on the door and jumped a little when Junguk suddenly opened the door. "Yes?" the younger one asked, annoyed.

"Hi there, my name is Seokjin and I was wondering if I could talk to you about modeling." Junguk raised an eyebrow, "Modeling?" He asked before Jin nodded, "Yes- I am an adgent and I've seen you before and I think you would be great for the cover of Seoul magazine-"

While Jin was taking to Junguk, Namjoon, Tae and Yoongi went up to the back door. Namjoon twisted the knob and it was unlocked. He shrugged and thought it was lucky for them as they walked in. Namjoon then walked around to a hallway where he could see Junguk's back and he looked at his friends, "Okay, I'll stay here and watch. If Junguk comes this way I'll find a way to signal you."

The other two walked down a hallway, looking for a sign of Sun anywhere. They walked passed the basement door but stopped as they heard some crying. Tae looked at Yoongi, "Did you hear that? is that her?" He whispered and Yoongi prayed it was. He prayed that it would be so easy to find her after everything; he opened the basement door and slowly walked down the stairs, trying to be quiet and careful to not trip, but once he saw her he didn't care about anything else. Yoongi ran over to his baby who was tied up on the bed and felt his heart shatter. "Baby? Oh my god, Tae I am going to kill him for this-" He spoke harshly as he and his husband untied Sun.

"Yoongi?? Tae?? Are you real?" She cried out, scared that her mind was losing it and seeing things now. Once untied, Tae pulled Sun into his arms and hugged her tightly, "Princess, it's real I promise.. Now lets please get out of hear." Tae said causing Sun to nod.

Tae held her in his arms as the two males rushed out of the basement, slowly sneaking out the way they came, glancing at Jin who was still stalling time. He could Junguk was gettting annoyed and was close to ending the conversation, which made Yoongi and Tae hurry more. They found Nmajoon and some how the three males escaped without getting caught and made it back to the car, calling off Jin who happily told Junguk to have a good day. Jin got back to the car and before they could take off they heard screaming. Junguk opened the door and the male was fuming. He knew they got Sun and they immediately took off, leaving Jungkook there pissed.

Sun was passed out in the backseat along with Tae who was also asleep and Jin who was awake and looking out the window. Yoongi drove, his hands gripping the wheel as he kept glancing back in the mirror at his two babies, mad at Junguk, but also worried about Sun but also happy to have her back. He was unsure of what emotion to feel or how to handle them as they haven't ever gone through something like this. "Things will get better.. you got her back." Namjoon said as he could tell Yoongi had a lot on his mind. The older nodded and let out a breath of air, "I know... I just am scared things wont be the same, which I know that's very possible because who knows what that evil man did to her. I just don't want to lose her Joonie, you know? Her and Tae are my world and It will kill me and him if we lose her."

Namjoon nodded, "Don't think like that. You saved her Yoongi, and no matter what happened I can tell she really loves you guys, just from what you have told me before.. I don't think you'll lose her."

They soon arrived at the house, Yoongi woke Tae up and gave his husband a kiss before he let Tae take Sun inside to the bedroom to sleep comfortably. Yoongi said goodbye to Namjoon and Jin after thanking them over and over for helping. The couple told him, it was no problem and that they would see them all soon, and to also tell Tae and Sun bye for them before they went ahead and left.

The eldest of the three went inside and sighed as he locked the door, and worried about Junguk coming back. Taehyung walked down the stairs and ran his fingers through his hair, looking over a Yoongi. "She is in bed, sleeping.. It was hard leaving her alone up there. What if he comes back Yoonie? What do we do now?" The younger one asked, freaking out a bit.

"I don't know baby, I really don't. All we can do be cautious and watch her and I'll take care of the rest okay? I will fix this." He said, pulling Taehyung into a hug. The younger didn't question it and just followed his husband upstairs to the bedroom, them both changing into pjs and then getting in bed, with Sun in the middle and letting sleep take over.


1497 words, ahh I am so bad at updating lol I am sorry for the wait, just been going through a lot lately

Hope everyone is doing okay.

-Mallory <3

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