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Third pov.

 Sun ran down the stairs, being careful to not trip as she held two small backpacks in her hands. Taehyung saw the girl rushing in a panic and he stopped her, grabbing the backpacks, "Baby slow down, we aren't going to be late."

"Ugh I know Tae but I want to make sure to get there early to meet the teacher and make sure they're okay." She spoke in a worried tone, looking around, wondering where the two were. She looked up when she heard Yoongi call out that they're ready and she felt all panic leave her face and she grinned as she heard the pitter patter of small feet.

"Eomma!!" Hwan yelled as he ran to Sun and wrapped his arms around her. He was definitely a momma's boy as his twin sister, Nari was a daddy's girl to both men. Yoongi came out of the hall holding Nari as Sun picked the small boy up. The twins were five and it was finally their first day of kindergarten. Sun was most worried and nervous to send her babies off to school, not happy that they were getting older so fast while the boys were a bit sad but also excited for the kids. 

"Alright, everyone is dressed, got shoes, I got the backpacks and the lunches, I think that's it. Lets head out!" Tae said.


After the kids were at school, and the boys had to drag a crying Sun out of there, the three went back home. Sun sniffled and wiped her eyes as she walked inside and Tae hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her body. "Awe baby, they'll be okay.. The teacher was super nice and said she would call or text us if anything happened." Sun nodded and was soon hugged from the front by Yoongi. He gave her a small gummy smile, "Yeah sweetie, it will all be good."

"I know.. I just miss them already and I miss them being little babies." She pouted. The boys looked at each other with the small thought in mind then back to the clueless girl. "Well if you want more babies, we can go to the bedroom right now" Yoongi smirked. Sun felt her cheeks heat up and she bit her lip, feeling Tae pressed up against her. She let out soft moans as Tae's lips found their way to her neck and Yoongi's lips were attached to her own. The three soon made their way to the master bedroom they shared and enjoyed their alone time.

---------------Eight and a half months later--------------

Sun grunted as she leaned down, trying to grab the tv remote, finding it more and more difficult to do simple things with her big belly. She still remembers the day she realized her period was late and the boys scrambled to the store and bought like ten tests. She giggled to herself remembering how shocked she was seeing so many tests but took three to the bathroom. She felt so happy seeing the little plus sign on the three tests and she felt even happier seeing how happy Tae and Yoongi were to know they were going to have another kid. She was worried about the twins, not wanting them to be sad or feel like they wont get as much attention but they were really excited. She laughed as they argued back and forth on Nari wanting a sister and Hwan wanting a brother.  

The gender reveal wasn't anything too big, just her, the boys including their friends, the kids and her family. They did a simple cake reveal and were excited to see blue, well all were excited except Nari. Yoongi did talk to her about how now she will have two brothers to protect her and love her, which Hwan agreed saying he would fight meanies and he said he knew that their new brother would too. Nari ended up happy and gave a bright gummy smile. 

Sun sat back on the couch, now back to the present letting her mind rest from thinking of the past memories. She looked around and saw that what was once empty walls were now covered with photos of her and the boys from an early time in their relationship, and family photos with the kids, which made her giggle remembering how excited the kids were and how they couldn't sit still. They ended up with one good photo and the rest goofy. There was some art from the kids and photos Tae had taken. Her eyes scan a different part of the room and notice the once basic clean room was now scattered with different toys and small shoes by the door. 

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