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Junguk's pov.

It's been months since my last encounter with Sun and my mind can't stop racing. She thinks I just went away, that her loves just "took care" of me, but after Yoongi left me bleeding in the living room of my house, threatening me to stay away or he would kill me for good, I laid there thinking. I must have laid there for what felt like days but really just long enough to watch the sky turn from bright blue to a dark black then back blue in the morning. 

I have been following Sun for these past months, watching them grow closer, watching her smile and laugh so hard her eyes tear up. The way she looked at them with such a love it was like nothing could stop those feelings and I could tell they felt the same way. Watching them touch her, kiss her, it made my blood boil. I felt my body heat up and I could only see red, but I knew I had to wait. I waited and waited, continuing to follow them everyday. I know I sound crazy, I know if anyone saw me they would probably be scared but I hid myself well. No one would understand, no one would know how much I loved Sun. She was my everything and I knew I could take better care for her than them but it was too late for me to prove that. After I took Sun and kept her in my basement, I could tell she would never trust me. I lost her. And that meant I lost myself.

I remember a day in my past when I didn't feel this way; when I wasn't addicted to this feeling of love towards one person. Sun was like a drug for me. She was kind, funny, and so smart. She taught me so much, and opened my eyes to new things that I was too stubborn to see but I screwed it all up. I had a problem with my anger, always have, and I could feel her slipping away from me. I didn't want to lose her.. funny isn't it? I pushed the one person away that I didn't want to lose.

So here I am, standing outside in the backyard of their house, watching them live their lives through a window. It feels unreal, almost like I am watching a tv show and nothing around me is actually alive or happening. I looked down at my hands, gripping a small bottle. I just need to wait till they're gone for work. It was a Tuesday morning, the boys had work early and Sun always got up to help make their lunches and say goodbye. She didn't have class for another hour so she usually would use the time to eat or take a little extra time to get ready. 

I watched the guys kiss either side of her cheeks, saying their byes then walking down. I bit my lip and watch Sun head upstairs to her room, deciding this is my time to sneak inside. I pick up a hidden in the bushes by the back door and find the secret key, which wasn't so secret to me since I have been watching them for months. Unlocking the door I slide in, almost smiling as I hear Sun singing along to her music in her room. I notice a cup of coffee on the counter, with a hint of lipstick stain on the side, knowing its hers, I opened the small bottle I had and poured the powder substance in the coffee, stirring it with the spoon that was left in the cup. 

My head snapped up as I heard footsteps on the stairs and I immediately rush out, shutting the backdoor behind me. I hid in the bushes, looking through the windows. I see her, her skin a light pale while her cheeks stained pink. Her hair tied up in a messy bun, with cute strands falling down. She reaches for the cup and I feel my heart start to beat faster. Sun was always so healthy, never had a lot of problems but she was severely allergic to fish. I knew it was horrible what I was doing, deep deep down I truly knew it but if I couldn't have her then no one could. 

I watched her hands wrap around the warm mug, picking it up and taking a drink. Suddenly feeling a million emotions, I ran away. I needed to go home and wait till it was my turn to go and be with my love.


Sun's pov.

A few minutes before .

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