
978 21 6

Yoongi's pov.

It was late in the evening when my husband and I were walking down the sidewalk of downtown, when Taehyung, my husband, craved a tea. I smiled at him and as always, made sure he got what he wanted. I love that man with all my heart and I'd do anything for him. We have been married for so long and I don't regret any of it. Life has just been so much better with him but I can tell he has been wanting something else in our lives.

He sat down with me one night and we spent hours talking about the whole ddlg world, and although I mostly top in our relationship, he said he would love if one day we could find someone, a girl maybe, who would love to be our little. It shocked me a little, coming from the man who use to do get jealous when Jimin and I hung out, but the idea made him happy. The idea was indeed interesting to me, and I can't lie and say I haven't thought about it, but I just don't know where we could find someone comfortable being a little in our relationship.

Back to real life, as we walked down the side walk, Taehyung's eyes lit up when he saw a coffee shop still open.

"Babe! We have to go in! Please?" He begged, to which I laughed and agreed. We walked in and saw this cute girl, who I assumed was the only worker there at the moment.

She was kind and took our order and then proceeded to agree to talk to us, after Taehyung asked her to. We ended up telling her about the little space and I didn't even realize we were until after we did. She just made everything so comfortable and felt easy to talk to. It was very nice. After that we walked to the park and told her more. She seemed nervous and unsure of it all, which later I'll definitely help her get over that.

After we dropped her off at her place and exchanged numbers, Taehyung and I walked back, holding hands. I smiled softly to myself as he spoke exactly what I was thinking.

"She is perfect.. I mean once she learns more and opens up to us, I think it might work.. I mean it's too soon right now but later on, it might actually work!" He said, with such joy.

I took a mental picture of his happiness and smiled brightly, "I agree." I said back, softly.

We walked to our car and once we got to it, I walked Taehyung to the passenger door, where I opened it for him. He thanked me and I smiled before shutting the door and walking to the drivers side. I got in and blocked up, then driving away to our place.

"I'm glad you decided to want coffee at a weird time in the evening baby." I said and drove with my left hand on the wheel, and my right hand holding his left. I brought his hand to my face and kissed it before laying our hands back down.

Okie I'm so sorry I haven't updated!! I moved states and everything has been super hard and stressful and I just haven't been here.. I'm sorry

I purple you

Also this is the first time I wrote it all in yoongi's POV.. how did you like it?? Also sorry I didn't make them talk a lot. I just didn't want to repeat a lot of the last chapter!! But if you liked it I'll do more! Sorry this wasn't that long! I'll try to update more! I'm just working alottttt rn

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