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Third pov.

The next few days went by pretty smoothly for Sun, she hadn't heard from Junguk and she was starting her holiday break from college tomorrow. She was excited, mostly just to be able to take a break and rest. She still had work but now she would have those hours that would have been spent in class, now to sleep, or see the Min's. The last time she saw them was a three days ago and they miss her just as much as she misses them but they all had work and she had to take some last minute finals. They did text in their group chat and Tae was always sending funny memes, making Sun laugh loudly while Yoongi would just roll his eyes. It seemed things where going pretty good for all of them so far.

Sun was in her last class of the day, sitting in the back of the room reading a book. She had finished her last test so for the rest of the time they were allowed to have a free day. She felt her phone vibrate and she put her book down, placing the book mark inside as she knew it would shut on her and she did not want to lose her place again. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and held in her hands, clicking on the new text message. A smile formed on her mouth as she read text messages that she was getting from her- she froze. 'What are they? My lovers?.. No Caregivers- only when I am little.. I guess friends.' She thought before she started to type back.

TaeTae 🤪:

Yoonie 😴:Tae wtf??

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Yoonie 😴:
Tae wtf??

                 Omg that's so cute! 😂💜

TaeTae 🤪:
At leAst some1 gets me

Yoonie 😴:
BiTcH I married you.
How much more can I get you.

I -

@ Yoongles !!!

Yoonie😴: Tae-I-No more cuddles

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No more cuddles. For you
Only Sunnie gets my cuddles. 😤

I'll give you my pudding.


I'm not even sure who the real child is anymore.
Also brb. Class is ending
I'll text y'all when I get home

TaeTae 🤪:
Okie princess!

Kk baby. Have a safe trip home.


Sun shook her head as she put her phone away, her smile bigger than before. If she didn't know that Yoongi and Taehyung were grown married men, she probably would think they were teenagers. She didn't think it was a bad thing to act childish, it was nice that they still acted like someone her age. She stood up and put her book in her bag, walking out of the classroom after some of her peers. She was so happy, school was out, for like two weeks but still, better than nothing. She put her earbuds in and hummed as a pop sounding song came on. The happy beats and repetitive chorus only made her bounce in her step. After walking away from the college campus, she went to the bus stop, waiting for a few minutes then getting on once it stopped.

After ten or so minutes, the bus stopped near her apartment, so she stepped off and walked towards the building. She typed in the code to get in and right as the door was shutting behind her, a hand stopped the door. She still had her earbuds in so she didn't hear the footsteps coming up on her. She hummed and walked to the elevator, her back towards the figure behind her. Feeling as if she was being watched, she felt her heart race as she took her earbuds out and slowly turned around. She flinched and gasped, before letting out a breath of relief.

"Taehyung? Yoongi?? What the hell.. Man You two almost gave me a heart attack." She said and stepped on the elevator, the two males getting on after.

"Sorry we didn't mean to scare you. We yelled your name but you had your earbuds in and I guess the music was too loud-"Taehyung explained as Sun catch her breath again. She nodded and hummed.

The elevator stopped and they got off, "Oh.. well what are you guys doing here anyway?" She asked, a bit confused as they never said anything about coming over and visiting her. They both followed her into the apartment, looking around. They all realized that this was the first time the married couple had gotten to see the inside of her apartment.

"We missed you and Tae couldn't wait till tomorrow to see you. Sorry for not asking first, and coming over last minute." Yoongi finally spoke. He seemed calm as always and Sun just nodded her head, smiling softly as she thought about them missing her.

"I missed you guys as well.. Um sorry it's a little messy. Just sit where ever and I will go make some tea." She grinned and walked off to her small kitchen. She got the kettle out and poured some water in it before allowing it to boil while she walked to the cabinet. she looked through all her tea boxes before picking out a few bags they might like.

A few moments later, she carefully carried the three mugs into the living room and handed the males one each. She smiled and sat down in the middle of the two, "So I didn't know what tea you two liked the most so I just guessed and if you don't like it, I can re make it." She said as they sipped the hot drink.

"It's fine, beautiful." Yoongi said and Taehyung nodded, agreeing with the eldest. Yoongi put his mug down and pushed Sun's hair off of her shoulder, leaning in close. "So how about you show us the bedroom my lovely?" He asked in a deep voice, shocking her and Taehyung.





I purple you >.< - Mallory

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