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(The coffee shop Mi Sun works at^^)

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(The coffee shop Mi Sun works at^^)

Mi Sun pov.

I swing the straps of my black backpack over my shoulders and sigh softly to myself as I walk farther away from the building that I just came from. Whoever says History is easy must not have had a teacher like mine. Sure, Mr. Jung is nice and tries to help his students but I think I just really suck at history.

I think what annoys me is how I can remember song lyrics easily and maybe its the catchy beat or the words that repeat over and over but me trying to remember the history of other countries, and Korea is just starting to seem impossible.

I look up and realize I must have had been in deep thought because I have already arrived at my work. I work at this cute little coffee shop down town in my town of Tongyeong, South Korea. It's about three hours and something to Seoul. I was born in Seoul but my family relocated here for work when I was eight. My parents are obsessed with dinosaurs so of course they got a job in the museum to talk and learn about dinosaurs.

I walk into my job and smile at my boss, who was behind the counter. She is a sweet older lady, who bought the building like twenty years ago when she fell in love with making coffee and watching how happy coffee it makes people. I think it's sweet how she comes in every day and talks to the people as if they are family and puts a smile on everyone's faces. Her sons said they'd take over the money part to help and come in super early to get a head start. They would like her to stay home and rest but she told them she refuses to stop living before she stops living for good and I absolutely love her for that.

I go to the back work room where we put our uniforms on and have our lockers. I go to my locker and open it, sighing for the second time in the past thirty minutes. I change from my casual clothes into my work uniform, which is just a simple white button up shirt, and some black slacks, my black flats and an apron with 'Mi Sun' written on it.

[hoursss laterrrrr]

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[hoursss laterrrrr]

"Goodnight guys! See you tomorrow." I say as I leave my work. I yawn and throw my backpack over my shoulders as I walk in the direction of my home. Man, college from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm then work 4:00 pm to 10:30 pm is a lot. I know there are people who do more but I am the type of person who gets easily stressed, which sucks because when I am super stressed I feel like my head is going to explode and sometimes I may or may not snap easily. Heh.

I get home around 10:56 pm and when I say home, I really mean my small one bedroom apartment I share with my lovely plants. Once I turned eighteen and got a job, I decided I would move out for mainly two reasons: one- to get a little more freedom and learn to be responsible and two- so my parents wouldn't have to provide for me anymore and so they could have more alone time, well as much as they could get with my younger brother there. Though, I believe he is a lot of the time at his best friends house. They are super close and I'm like 90% sure they're gonna date when they get older. I ship it.

"I'm homeeee" I sing for my plants, like I do every night. Makes me feel less lonely, if that makes sense. I take my shoes off and slip my house shoes on. I take my jacket off and place it on the coat rack and place my backpack on the hook I had placed next to the coat rack. I walk into the kitchen and turn the kitchen light on. I chew on my bottom lip as I look through my kitchen for something to snack on. I usually eat breakfast in the morning, if I wake up in time, and then again at lunch but after that I don't ever have time to eat until I get home, unless I can sneak a snack at work. I pat my tummy and think, 'what do I want tonight?'. I sigh and just give into making a small bowl of Ramen.

After I eat I clean up the dishes I used and wipe down the counters before I head towards my bedroom. I tilt my head at an angle to pop my neck then again on the other side as I make my way to my dresser. I open the dresser and grab some comfy pjs, which include, a huge shirt and some comfy shorts. I walk to my bathroom and take a shower. I wash my hair while I hum a song I heard on the radio at work today. I smile softly as I feel more relaxed while humming.

I get out of the shower and dry off before I put my clean clothes on. I braid my long black hair and put a tie around the end to hold it together then I brush my teeth. After I prepare for bed, I grab my dirty clothes and wet towel and put them in the dirty clothes basket. I look at my clock on the wall and sigh as I read the time, 1:15 am. "Ugh" I mumble and make my way to my bed. I turn the lamp off and climbs into my bed. I wrap myself in the blanket and snuggles myself to sleep not mentally ready for the next day.


Hiiiii, so what did you guys thing of the first chapter? Sorry if it's not long enough, I promise I will get better. If you have any concerns, questions, or just random thoughts pls comment and I will reply (: Also I will be adding Taegi in soon, just wanted to tell you a little bit about Mi Sun

thanks for reading!!! Will update soon

I purple you


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