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Third pov.

It had been two weeks since the whole Junguk thing and since then Sun had been staying over at their house. Every couple days or so, Taehyung or Yoongi would go with her to her apartment to get more clothes or some item she needed. The guys loved having her there but between work, school and worrying about Junguk they noticed Sun was super stressed. They hoped at least she would slip into little space to relax but she hadn't in weeks. Yoongi was starting to worry, which is why the two came up with a idea to try and help Sun slip.

Taehyung started the plan by going upstairs, carrying some fruit and coloring books. When Sun wasn't at work or school, she spent a lot of time in the guest room, doing homework, or just thinking. Tae knocked on the door and waited till he heard a faint "come in," before walking inside. He smiled softly as he saw the stressed and frustrated girl sitting at the desk, working on some assignment for one of her classes. She didn't even look up from her work as she spoke, "Yes?" Taehyung pouted and walked over, placing the healthy snack on the desk and held out the coloring books. "I wanted to bring you a snack and thought maybe you could take a break and we could color? Would my princess like that?" He spoke in a soft tone, as he was hoping the gifts, and his words would help her slip.

"M-maybe later, Tae. I am really busy with this assignment. My math teacher wants us to turn it in on Thursday." Taehyung nodded, "Okay baby.. Well eat the fruit at least.. It's good for you." He said before he walked out and headed downstairs. Yoongi looked up from his phone and saw the frown on Tae's lips. "Come here baby," He opened his arms and smiled as the younger clung to him. "I'm so worried about her Yoonie.. She would slip and she is getting more stressed." Yoongi signed and ran his fingers through Tae's hair, soothing the other. "Don't worry baby, we will get our princess back."

Later that night Sun finally joined the two males for dinner and they were immediately worried by her state. She looked tired and barely spoke or ate. Yoongi cleared his throat, causing the girl to look up, "So I was thinking, we all have been so busy lately and I was thinking we should call in tomorrow and just have a day all together." Tae quickly smiled and nodded and they both looked at the girl who felt like she was being watched by two sad puppies. "I can't.. I have a test tomorrow in my history class and what if my boss gets mad at me?"

Yoongi could tell he wouldn't get her to agree without a fight but he already figured that and made a plan. "Well baby, I might have already spoken to your teacher and boss and told them you weren't feeling good and needed a full twenty-four hours to get better. Your teacher said he would let you make the test up the next day and your boss was really kind and said he would get someone to cover for you." Sun raised an eyebrow, on one hand she was kind of mad because she didn't like him telling lies and doing things like that without her permission but on the other hand, she felt like a day off would really help. She sighed, "Fine.. but next time please don't do that without my permission okay?" She said and shook her head, giggling a little as the two men cheered.

Now Yoongi could get the original plan back in gear. He planned on waking Sun up with a big yummy breakfast and calling her sweet pet names all day, and picking out a cute outfit for her and giving her a sippy cut instead of a normal one, he grinned as he already planned to say something like, 'Oh the other cups are dirty'. Yoongi cleaned up the kitchen after dinner while the other two got ready for bed. After brushing her teeth, Sun walked over to the dresser, and opened it, looking for some comfy pjs. Her eyes were met with a onesie on top, that Tae may or may not have let there for her to see. She bit her lip and stared at the clothing item, thinking it had been a while since she slipped. It wasn't like she didn't want to, because she really did but she had to be big for work and school and a part of her was scared that Junguk would come back for her. She feared he would come while she was little and it would be too hard to slip back to big and fight back. She didn't like being vulnerable in front of him.. she felt helpless. She knew Tae and Yoongi wanted their baby back and that was another reason she hid away in the guest room, she felt like a disappointment and didn't want to face their sad faces.

She felt tears well up in her eyes and before she knew it, she broke down in sobs. Tae and Yoongi quickly rushed in the room, worried and shocked to see their baby crying. Taehyung came up to Sun and pulled her in for a hug, "Sun, what's wrong?" He asked and her cries got louder, "D-daddy-" She hiccupped and the two realized she had slipped, but still didn't know what was wrong. Yoongi walked over and wiped her tears while Tae still held her. "Baby, tell daddy what's wrong okay? Daddy and Oppa only want to help."

Sun played with Tae's fingers and sniffled as she calmed herself down so she could talk. "I-I wan be lwittle b-but scared bad man would g-get me like dis and big me would not save me.." Yoongi listened to her spoke voice explain and lifted her chin to make her look at him, "Oh baby.. you were scared Junguk would come back while you were little and wouldn't be able to be big?" He asked causing the girl to nod and let out some cries. Taehyung rubbed her back and frowned, "Awe princess, Daddy took care of the bad man okay? Nothing to be scared of anymore. I promise. You can be little all you want now!"

Sun used her fists to wipe her tears and she looked at the two men, "Rweally?" "Of course baby girl, now come on.. No more crying, let's do something fun!" Yoongi said and Sun nodded, grinned. She jumped up and grabbed the onesie from the dresser, "Oppa change me!" She demanded and the guys just laughed. Taehyung did what was asked of him and he changed the girl into the cute pink onesie and held her on his hip. "What do you wanna do my pretty princess?" Sun thought for a second and then she whispered something in Tae's ear. The two looked at Yoongi, who was confused and a little scared of what they planned.

Thirty minutes later, after begging and pouting and whining, Sun giggled as she finished putting makeup on Yoongi. She put some of his hair in a pony tail and put pink lip gloss on his lips while Tae helped put some glitter eyeshadow on the eldest. The two couldn't stop giggling and Yoongi just kept mumbling how lucky they are that he loves them. Taehyung totally didn't sneak a picture and send it to Namjoon and Jin.

"Done!! Daddy is so pretty!!" Sun squealed and Yoongi laughed, "Well thank you baby. I am lucky to have such a talented makeup artist in the house." Sun blushed and ran off, yelling something about wanting to play dolls. Taehyung chuckled and ran off after her, while Yoongi went to clean his face. A phone went off and Yoongi stopped to check it, shrugging as he saw it was Tae's until he saw Tae sent a pic of him to their friends. "KIM TAEHYUNG-" he yelled.

Taehyung looked at Sun, who just giggled, "Oppa in trouble.." She said dropping her dolls.

Meanwhile in another house, Namjoon and Jin were eating dinner where they recieved another text from their friends. Laughing loudly, "Oh my god- I guess Yoongi found out what Tae did and did the same thing.. Oh goodness. They're something else." The eldest spoke before the continued to eat.


The boys got all cleaned up and changed into pjs, both exhausted from running around and playing the past hour but they loved it and couldn't wait to spend the whole day with their baby tomorrow. They walked into the bedroom and both smiled as they saw Sun passed out on the bed, clinging to a stuffed tiger Tae bought her.

"She is so cute~" Taehyung cooed and Yoongi agreed, "She is and so are you baby." Yoongi kissed Tae on the lips before getting into bed, the younger soon following. "I love daddy and oppa-" A sleepy Sun mumbled before rolling over and getting comfy. "We love you too baby." Yoongi said, and both boys kissed the girls head then soon fell asleep.


1537 words || Unedited

Eeeeeeee little Sun again lol more little moments coming up next

Also I have already come to terms I will probably end the book at chapter vingt (20). When I started this book I was super excited about but I don't want to drag it on too much but I hope you liked the chapter!

Have a good day/night!

<3 Mallory

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