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Third pov.

The next day seemed to fly by with the doctor coming in and out to make sure Sun is healed enough to go home and with cops coming in for a while to ask her questions. The boys made sure to stay close by as she told them about Junguk and her past with him. It was hard to go through all the details of the abuse with Yoongi and Tae there but she knew it needed to be said. She needed the cops to find him before he could do anymore damage.

Later in the afternoon Sun was released and was allowed to go home but was told to take it easy and not to eat anything too harsh on the throat. The boys set up a bunch of blankets, plushies and some of Sun's pillows on the couch. Tae sat her down, after insisting he carry her, which she only agreed to him doing since she knew it made him feel better.

"Thanks Tae," She spoke and he smiled, "Of course Princess, is there anything you need? Yoongi and I took the rest of the week off and called your school and let them know you wont be coming in till next week."

"T-Tae- you didn't have to do that. I should be fine to go to school tomorrow and I don't want you two to miss work and get in trouble.."

"Baby, don't worry about that. You need rest and our jobs will understand, I promise." Yoongi said and she nodded, not wanting to fight them on it since she knows they'll win right now.

"Fine but I demand cuddles from you both right now, and I wanna watch Encanto!" She grinned, making the other two coo and nod. "Oh I'll grab snacks!" Tae yelled and ran to the kitchen. "Only soft foods Tae!" Yoongi yelled, reminding the other. Yoongi sat down next to Sun and pulled her close, "I'm so happy you're okay.. I don't know what I'd do without you in our lives."

Sun looked at the older male and felt her eyes tear up, "Well don't think of that because I'm not going anywhere." Yoongi gave the girl a sad smile and nodded before kissing  her head. "Good" was all he said before Tae ran back with some snacks and waters. Sun giggled as she watched him almost trip and drop the stuff but luckily placed the items on the coffee table. He sat on the other side of her and played the movie, cuddling up to the other two.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Years Later!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Congrats class of 2022!! We did it!" Yelled the valedictorian, Lee Hana before she and the rest of the class tossed their caps into the air, all grinning from ear to ear. Sun looked over to see two people she had spent the past two years with, and through all the crazy ups and downs, she couldn't have been more in-love with them. She could see the love in their eyes and how they treated not only each other but her too, and she realized some where along the way she wanted to be with them for the rest of her life. As soon as she noticed her peers running off to family and friends, she rushed to Yoongi and Taehyung, only to be swept up by a very excited Jung Hoseok. 

Sun giggled as she hugged the male, "Congrats my lil sunnie!", "Thanks Hobi! I'm so glad you could come!! I'm so glad you all could come!" She said as she parted with Hoseok and looked at the rest of the males. She tilted her head slightly and almost cried at the sight; Jungkook grinning his bright bunny smile, Jimin holding a teddy bear that had a cap and gown on it, Jin holding a camera and a opened package of tissues that she knew he had used during the ceremony, Namjoon giving her two big thumbs up, Hobi already attached to her and finally her two boys.. Yoongi and Taehyung looking at her with that look, that look that tells her that they are nothing but proud of her. Over the past two years she had gotten so close to Tae and Yoongi's friends that they felt like family to her. She teared up and Hobi noticed, pouting and wiping the stray tears. "Sunnie, what's wrong?" She waved her hands as she noticed lots of concern on everyone's face, "Nothing, I'm just so happy to be here in this moment with you guys." 

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