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Mi Sun POV.

It has been a few days since I've met and talked with the Min's and I have thought about everything they told me and all they explained but I still didn't know if it was for me. I, Mi Sun, am very stressed and might be willing to try anything that could help relieve my stress. Taehyung and Yoongi have been texting me here and there, just to check up or say hi, and honestly no one has been so caring for me in a long time.

It was a Saturday morning when I got out of bed and stumbled my way to the kitchen to make me some coffee. It's funny, right? I work in a coffee shop, wanting to come home and not be around the coffee but here I am at home, making more coffee. After pouring some coffee into my cat mug, I add three spoonfuls of sugar and a little bit of milk. I smile and sip my coffee, letting out a moan of happiness. "Wow, I am good." I say to no one but myself before I walk over to the couch. On Saturdays, I don't do much if I'm off work. Mostly just drink coffee, eat here and there and binge Netflix or read a fanfic. The normal.

I was on about my three episode of my show when I heard my text ringtone. I sigh, and look over to the kitchen counter where I left it earlier when I got up to make more popcorn. I groan and shrug, "if it's important they'll text again." I mumble and get back into my show. A couple minutes later the ringtone goes off again and I whine. I pause my show, not wanting to miss anything good, even though I'm not going far. I grab my phone off the counter and check my messages.

Taehyung: hi MiMi!! How are you?? I hope good! Yoongi and I are were wondering if you'd like to come over and have dinner? Maybe a sleepover if you want!! We could watch mean girls?

I read over the text before looking at the second message I received.

Yoongi: hi Mi Sun, uh would you like to come over and eat dinner with my husband and I? You may stay over if you would like.. up to you. Also uh we are not watching mean girls...

I giggle softly and shake my head, "what a pair they are.." I mumble. I bite my lower lip as I think over my options. I could go and just eat free food, and just see what happens? Or I could stay in my own place, probably eat cereal and not do anything. I groan and reply:

Mi Sun: hi, uh sure, I can come over at 7, if that is good for you guys?

I send the message in a group chat with them both, not wanting to just answer one or answer both in two different texts. I wait a couple minutes before my phone goes off again.

Yoongi: ok. YAY THANKS MI SUN!! CANT WAIT—💕😍💖😊💓👏🏻👏🏻

Yoongi: sorry.. Tae snatched my phone. But our address is xxxx east st.

I laugh and roll my eyes before I head to my bedroom. "What am I going to wear?" I ask myself as I stare into my closet as if an outfit is going to pop out. I gasp and smile as I know exactly which outfit I want to wear. I lay the outfit out on my bed and goes to the bathroom to shower before I get dressed.

After my shower, while the towel is wrapped around my body, I blow dry my hair and sings along with my Bluetooth speaker I set up before the shower. I rap along with jay park in one of his songs, mommae, pretending I'm a badass.

I change into my outfit (pic below.) and straight my wavy hair. I don't put on makeup since I didn't feel like wearing any tonight. I mean, I have nice skin and I like the natural look.

I look at my phone and it says the time is 6:30

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I look at my phone and it says the time is 6:30. I sigh and grabs my charger and car keys before I head out. I make sure all the lights and tv is off before I walk out of my apartment. I lock the front door and head down to the parking area. I get in my car and hook up my phone to continue my music. I put my the address in gps and listen for her directions as I hum along to my music.

After ten or so minutes I arrive at the Min's house. I park and take a second to stare at their home. "Must be nice to be rich." I sigh and gets out of my car. I hit the lock button twice on my car key to lock and walks up to their front door. I take a deep breathe before I knock twice. I, out of habit, take a step back as I wait for someone to answer the door.

I hear noises from inside then the door opens and Taehyung is standing there with his box like grin, "Mi Sun! Welcome!! Come in, please." I nod and step in. I remove my shoes and put on the slippers provided for me. "So how are you? And thanks for coming! It means a lot to us. Especially Yoongi, even though he won't admit it." He laughs, "also follow me, we can chill in the living room." He adds.

"Oh u-uh I'm okay.. stressed and nervous to be honest," I mumble, "oh okay.." I add back as I follow him. "Oh please don't be nervous! We are all friends here. You can just sit on the couch. Would you like something to drink?" He asks.

"Water is fine. Where is your husband?"

"Yoongi is cooking and got it! One water coming up!" He says, cheerful, then heads to the kitchen, leaving me alone. I sit on the couch and I take this time to look around the living room. It's honestly a very beautiful house and very well decorated but I wonder who picked out the decor.

When Taehyung comes back, Yoongi follows and I stand up to greet him. "Hello, Mr. Min. Thank you for having me tonight." I say softly. He chuckles and shakes his head, "sweetie, call me Yoongi and it's our pleasure. Also dinner is ready." I nod and follow them to the dining room to eat.

——-—— after dinner—————-

After we ate and cleaned, which I very much insisted to help clean up and they gave in to let me help, we went to the living room. I sat down on the couch first and Taehyung sat to the right of me, while Yoongi sat left of me, so I was in the middle. I could feel my heart beat ten times faster. I know we are just watching a movie, but the idea of sitting in the middle of two very attractive men, just made me nervous and anxious.

Yoongi looked at me and placed his hand over mine, before whispering in my ear, "baby, relax. You're okay. We are just so happy you agreed to come over." He said and took his hand off mine. I frowned slightly when he did that but my frown went away when I say and heard Taehyung giggling from the movie. I smile and blush softly before turning my head towards the tv. I began to relax and feel more calm in the moment.

The movie ended and Yoongi paused the tv before turning towards Taehyung and me. I look at him,  a bit confused but wondering what he has to say.

"So, Miss Mi Sun, have you thought any about what we talked about?" He asked, smiling. Taehyung looked over and grabbed my hand, grinning.

I smile softly at them, "I have.. And I looked more up on the internet and thought it over and over and over and I think.. I t-think I wanna try it." I say the last part softly.

Taehyung squeezes my hand, "yay! I promise this will be fun and you'll love it and if not we won't do it, okay?" I nod.

"So how do we do this?.." I ask and look at them.

Hiii I'm back!!! Sorry I work a lot so slow updates but I'm trying!! And sorry I left it on a cliffhanger!! Also I'm doing this on my phone so it's not edited! Hope it's okay!

I purple you!!!

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