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Hihi please don't hate me lol... I know I suck at updating.. believe me I know. Just a lot has gone on this month ahh,, work, and got my heart broken by a dumb boy :( but I am the stupid girl who allowed him to keep hurting me and let him come back... ugh I am over boys. I am gonna date girls from now on :(( 

anyway- sorry,, onto the chapter lol two people said they thought sex would happen on this chapter mm lets see (; 

// unedited \\


Third person pov.

While Sun's cheeks were burning bright red, her eyes widened. She didn't know what to say or do, and to be honest it seemed a little soon for anything like that to happen- and also she did not realize that they would ever do anything sexual. It never crossed her mind. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Yoongi laughing loudly. Although he was laughing at her reaction, she did enjoy hearing him laugh. 

"I-I was joking! I can't b-believe you two bought that-" The eldest choked out while still laughing. He stopped and let out a whine as Taehyung hit the back of his neck and sighed. "Stupid.. don't joke like that. You'll scare Sunnie. We haven't actually talked about doing anything like that." Taehyung said.

Sun smiled softly and looked down at her mug that she was holding with two hands. "It's fine, I am not scared, but it did shock me because I never even thought about that stuff till now." She giggled. The older two coo'd at her and Taehyung pinched her cheek, "Awe princess!! You're so cute!!" he spoke in a high pitched voice. Sun whined and pulled away, blushing and rubbing her now redder cheek.

They decided to turn the tv on and find a movie but after a while you could tell they were becoming bored. Yoongi was pretty chill but the other two were fiddling around and not longer the movie ended Taehyung groaned, "Okay I am bored, can we please do something?" he asked and Sun immediately nodded, standing up, "Omg yes, I am bored too!!" She said happy that she wasn't the only feeling it. The two both looked at Yoongi, who hasn't spoke up and he sighed, "Fine. What do you two want to do?" He asked.

Taehyung tapped his chin with his finger and hummed in thought. Sun gasped, and the two males looked at her, "We could go to the arcade?" She suggested and while Taehyung jumped up and nodded, Yoongi was more iffy about it. In the end he agreed because how was he supposed to say no to the two cutest humans ever. 

They got ready and headed out, Sun in the middle of the older two as they walked down the sidewalk. It wasn't dark out yet, but the sun was getting ready to start setting and the sky had a beautiful orange tint to it. It was a peaceful walk and it sure gave time for Sun to think to herself. The married couple bickered and she let out a small laugh. Although they seemed to be so different and bickered a lot, she noticed how caring and loving they were. She saw how Yoongi would always glance over at Tae to make sure he was okay, and he could tell when Tae wanted his hand to be held but didn't want to say it, so Yoongi would just grab it. She noticed how Tae would give the older his space if he could tell Yoongi needed it but how Tae would always remind Yoongi he was there for him. The two were made for each other and it made Sun so happy to see them together but at the same time, she wondered if what they were doing was a good thing or not. She knew they cared for her but she just hoped she would never get in the way or cause a problem. 

Although she would not admit it aloud, she was really starting to care and love the two. It was all new but she hoped that this would be a thing for a long time, because caregivers or lovers, whatever they were to her, she saw them as friends and really loved their company. She finally felt not alone.-

 "Sunnie, baby? You okay?" Yoongi asked, and just then she noticed she slowed down, and ended up walking behind them. They only stopped when they noticed how deep in thought she was. Sun nodded, "Yeah, Yoonie, I am okay. I was just thinking." She spoke.

"Thinking of what?" Tae asked and she smiled, "How perfect you two were made for each other." She answered, making the older two smile.

They walked closer, and kissed her on the cheek and head. "Yes but we were also made for you and you for us." Yoongi said, and Tae nodded.

They walked into the arcade and Yoongi went to the coin machine and got the other fifty coins for each of them and went back to the other two. "Here, use them wisely because I am not getting more." He said and they nodded. Tae and Sun looked at each other, grinning before running off and finding a game to play. Yoongi laughed and shook his head before walking after Sun. He found her playing some racing game and he watched as she finished in second and pouted. He patted her head, "It's okay baby girl. You still drove better than how Tae drives in real life." He said, making her laugh. "Hey! I heard that!-" They heard from Tae who was a few games away playing a shooting game.

Sun got up and ran over, hugging Tae from behind. "It's okay Oppa.. I still like you even if you can't drive." She mumbled and he blushed. He soon died in the game and placed his hands over hers. He smiled and hummed, "I like you too Princess." He said, turning around and hugging her properly. He kissed her forehead and she looked up at him, smiling brightly. His eyes wandered down to her lips and he wondered if she would care if he kissed her. Before he could speak, she stood on her tippy toes and pecked his lips.

The two were blushing brightly and he grinned, before he heard a grumpy grumble. Yoongi walked over and looked at the two in confusion. "Why are the two of you blushing?" He asked and as Sun opened her mouth, Tae rushed his words out first,

"Sun called me oppa and kissed me!" He said excitedly and she pouted and prayed that Yoongi wouldn't be mad her for kissing his husband.

Yoongi walked over, getting closer to Sun and she looked down,  "I-I'm sorry for kissing yo-" She was stopped as he leaned down and kissed her lips. She blushed more and closed her eyes, kissing back. He pulled away and they both heard Tae squeal. "That was so cute!" Tae said and the other two just laughed. 

Soon after the three left the arcade and the married couple walked Sun back to her apartment, her pouting the entire way. She wasn't ready to go home and the night to come to an end. Yoongi noticed her pout first and cupped her cheeks, "What's wrong baby girl?" He asked, making Tae turn towards them, now wondering the same.

"I don't want to back home and be alone.." She mumbled and Yoongi just smiled, and pecked her lips. "Okay. We can grab some clothes at your place then you can come sleep over at our house." She gasped and immediately ran off, rushing towards her apartment so she could get her stuff fast and get to their place. The males laughed and Tae ran off after her, Yoongi just walking his normal speed because he doesn't run unless its an emergency. 

They ended up packing a couple outfits, an extra to go ahead and leave at their house in case she comes over without planning. Once at their house, they changed into some pjs and all got in the married couples big king bed, Sun in the middle, They put a movie on and cuddled up under the warm blankets, enjoying the sweet moment. 


okayokay,, so no sex only because it's too soon in my opinion buttttt I let them have their first kisses with her heh was it cute? 

sorry I update slow but I hope whoever reads this that they enjoyed it and I will try and update when I can (: 

Have a great day/Night 

ALSOOOO HAPPY BDAY TO KOOKIE ((((:  I love that cute bunny and hope his bday is the best because he deserves it!! also deserves alot of rest from working so hard >.<

I purple you - Mallory 

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