0: Glass Root Elixir (1)

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Thanks for reading The Cinders of Dezu. This is a passion project of mine that I've had since I was in junior high school.  I grew up with these characters. They are old friends of mine at this point. I hope you enjoy getting to know them. Comment on any grammatical issues you find or spellcheck problems. It helps me out a lot. Give it some some love in the form of likes on pages and comments. It's always very appreciated.

This book is also being narrated by me in audiobook form on YouTube AND Spotify. Check the video link at the beginning of each chapter if you'd rather listen instead of read.

I think that's it... yeah, you're all packed and ready for your journey. Sit back and relax as you enjoy, The Cinders of Dezu...

The night was descending quickly. The man tried to scribble something heartfelt on the piece of paper he had laid awkwardly on the wooden box in his lap. He wasn't always good with words. At least, he wasn't good at the kinds of words that said what was on his heart. He was plenty good at the words he needed to sell. It was probably because of how his own father had been. Cold. Distant. Hardly there. He had promised himself he would never be that way.  So as he sat now atop his wagon that he had just ridden out of town, he struggled to put his feelings on the page. He had to. His horses waited patiently as he worked out what exactly he wanted to say.

He had spent all day thinking about it and still couldn't come up with more than the few words he had in his head. And now it was getting too dark to write much more before he went home with his gift. He finally jotted down something quickly and then tucked his pencil in his overcoat. He didn't know if it was good enough, but at least it was something. And sometimes that's all that mattered.

He lifted the lid of the box just enough to slip the note inside and closed it up. He put it on the seat next to him and clapped his hands together. He cupped them over his face to warm them through his fingerless gloves before he grabbed the reigns of his horses. He then stopped. Just ahead on the road was the figure of a man.

The figure was tall with a cloak draped over his shoulders. He wore a breastplate with intricate markings that he couldn't quite make out in the lighting. Flashes of red material were highlighted in his vision as he continued to squint to make him out. His breeches were black with the same highlights of red. He was facing him, standing totally still. The man on the wagon wondered how long he had been there. As he started to make out the shape of his face, the man spoke.


The voice had youth in it. It was soft but deep and almost kind. He knew it all too well.

"My king..."

The man in the cloak approached. Micah shifted and dropped his reigns not knowing what stance he should take while sitting in a wagon.

"Please, " came the kings voice again, "No need to be anxious. I've come to you."

As he drew closer, Micah could see his well-trimmed goatee and mustache, a signature known well throughout the kingdom.

"My lord, I'm completely at a loss, " said Micah, "I was just leaving town and had no idea you'd be in the area."

The king cocked his head in the direction of the village.

"I just had some business in the local township that needed my attention. The day got away from me."

"Of course!" said Micah, nodding.

"You're out late yourself, " said the king, "I hope you have a torch on that cart of yours. It's getting dark."


Micah quickly grabbed the box beside him and slipped it into a compartment behind his seat. He began rummaging around. He quickly located a torch and pulled it out.

The king smiled and lifted his hand to gesture for Micah to hand it to him as he drew closer. Micah lowered the torch down and the king took it and turned away. With his back to him, Micah could only see the glow of the torch manifest away from his gaze before the king turned back around and handed it back.

"A light for a ride?" the king said.

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