16th: The Tribe of the Lake (3)

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The trees appeared once more to the right and again the treadmill began. A few rogue performers left the group and started traveling through the trees. This act caused the stage to widen and shift to the left. The process of the performers sinking into the star continued as the trees moved in the series of sinking rows closer to center of the arena. The few performers who had traveled into the trees eventually reached a new creature in yellow paint, rising above the trees. He sat on something that looked like a throne. It was cobbled together with bark and stones from land but also of many marine debris Cairo couldn't identify. Atop his head was a rudimentary crown made of some kind of seaweed with a bright orange color.

The performers pleaded with the man on the high throne but he shook his head and sent them away with a firm and decisive gesture in the direction of the staged lake. The performers left him, appearing dejected as the treadmill of trees reversed direction. The crowned yellow creature and his throne receded under the surface with the right most row of trees.

On their simulated trip back to the lake, another creature in yellow wandered aimlessly through the staged forest. The chorus increased in intensity as the performers in the trees stalked him. In a moment, he was hoisted above the heads of the travelers and was flailing wildly. They emerged from the trees as the simulated lake again took center stage. The yellow creature was bound by the arms and legs to stop his flailing. A small stake emerged from the triangular space in the star. It's similarities to the stake Cairo was on were glaringly obvious. The creature painted yellow was strapped to it. He was then lowered carefully into the symbol until the creatures yellow hue could no longer be seen above the waters surface. The drumming stopped.

The performers stopped. They uniformly turned to face Cairo. They stared at him in resign. Cairo realized the whole crowd had fallen silent. He looked up. All the creatures on the walls looked at him with eyes of black. In an instant, the performers all sank at once into the water. The drumming began again.

Budda- budda bum bum bum bum bum bum
Budda-budda bum bum bum bum bum bum

The beat continued as the beautiful female water creature swung herself over Cairo's disconcerted face. Her astronomical eyes looked deep into his and then closed with a softness. She leaned her forehead onto his as she gently put her hand behind his neck. She held this for a moment. Cairo's eyes remained wide open, terrified of her intention.

She opened her eyes and lifted her head from his. Her hand moved to caress his cheek. She then let herself fall backwards into the water. He watched her swim with grace and an uncanny swiftness to the stone wall and began to climb. She reached the top to join the other black eyes fixated on his position. Cairo came to the realization that nothing was left in the arena but the symbol of bones in the water and himself on the stake to stare at it.

Budda- budda bum bum bum bum bum bum
Budda-budda bum bum bum bum bum bum

The symbol seemed to stare back at him. He waited tense minute after tense minute. He felt like he was mesmerized by the thing. A low hum of a chorus and the drum beat growing louder and louder drew him in to the mystery. The symbol concealed something. Something he could feel. Something beyond it. A powerful something. Something... rising up. Something gray? Something gray and wide and-

Rows of teeth lining a massive jaw caught the symbol in a pulverizing grip. The symbol rose up with the mouth as the body of an enormous creature rose from the water. The bones bent and then splintered as they buckled in its ferocious craw. In a loud snap, it was all gone at once. The drumming stopped. The chorus fell silent. The creatures giant antlered reptilian head lowered its gaze to face the  young man bound before it. There, with sheets of water coating and dripping from it, was the same symbol again, this time hewn with scales and dazzlingly graven on the monsters forehead.

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