14th: Falling (6)

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He couldn't see much in his chaotic decent with the shadows of the trees now blocking any light from the night sky. He didn't know the nature of the thing that caught him. But he understood the unmistakable sensation of being wrenched upwards by his foot. He found himself laying belly up on a large branch. The shadowy vision of hair and a soft voice addressed him.

"You two are a handful."

It was Talia. Julian breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought superpowers would be fun."

"They aren't. Not here," she said

Julian put his hand on his forehead.

"How did you find me?"

"You were screaming."

"I was screaming?"

"You screamed like a little girl getting tossed around the treetops."

"No way! I was not screaming! I would have noticed if-"

"All the animals within a mile radius could hear you. You had four very hungry and very confused shadow dogs trying to track you. I think you even managed to attract a nether lurker."

Julian sat up.

"What's a nether lurker?"

"Stay close as we head back and you won't need to find out."

It was a fair distance before they reached the cabin again. Julian was surprised at how far he'd gone. He also couldn't work out how Talia had reached him so fast and plucked him from the air. He'd hardly said a word to her on their way back for fear of disturbing her focus. She seemed to be studying the trees as they went. But when they reached the clearing for the cabin she stopped abruptly. He nearly ran into her.

"That's not right..." she whispered.

She rushed to the cabin and disappeared inside. Julian followed her and was rounding the corner when she appeared again in the doorway.

"No!" she said through gritted teeth.

She slammed her fist against the door frame.

"Unbelievable! Are you both just magnets for trouble?"

Julian's eyebrows lowered.

"Well, we found you didn't we? Don't blame us for how ridiculous it is on your planet or dimension or whatever! Where's Cai?!"

Talia threw something at Julian's feet. He leaned over and picked it up.

"What is this?"

It was shaped like a jagged star and made of what looked like animal bones. It was also wet.

"That's The Call of Moss Linga."

Julian turned it over.

"Again, I ask you: What is this?" he said.

Talia stepped down the stairs and snatched it from him. She walked passed him and looked into the trees.

"It means he was taken by The Gilled."


Julian grabbed her shoulder and whipped her around.

"Are they dangerous?? What does that mean?"

At that moment, there was a short whistle in the air. Julian felt a prick on his neck. His hand instinctively went to touch it. It was still there. A needle. He pulled it out and looked at it. He was already feeling woozy. His vision was fading as he fell. He watched Talia shake her head and heave a sigh.

"It means, I hope you know how to swim."

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