12th: The View From the Ashes (1)

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"So let me get this straight," said Julian.

He held his arms out as he spoke like he handling the information as he walked.

"Humans get superpowers in Dezu."

"Right," said Talia, walking ahead of him.

"And the king was going to burn us alive."


"He was going to burn us alive because of our superpowers."

"Pretty much."

"But he was going to burn us alive, for our superpowers, WITH HIS SUPERPOWERS?"

"Please keep your voice down," said Talia.

They were walking on a flat path they had found in the forest. Next to them on their right stood rows and rows of perfectly round boulders in-between the trees.

"So that means the king is human!"

Julian's face was plastered with confusion.

"Right," Talia said.



"But he murders all humans, right? Or people from Earth? Or whatever they call us here..." said Cairo.

"Vincarsee. And yeah they are usually known to come from Earth. So if someone has dilinium faculties they are from Earth or human... generally," she said in a low tone.

"But how does he hate his own kind?!"

"You really need to be quiet," said Talia.

"Why?" said Cairo, speaking lower now, "Does he have eyes and ears everywhere or something?"

"No," Talia said, pointing to the stones to their right, "it's because those aren't rocks."

Cairo stopped and looked at the one a few feet from him. It was perfectly still. Not even a sign of breathing. Julian, still behind Cairo as he worked out the new information, ran into him.

"Come on!" Talia hissed, no longer in her previously low voice.

Julian gave Cairo an exaggerated, continuous push on his back while Cairo's eyes stayed on the boulders. Once Cairo had started walking again, Julian lightly jogged up to Talia who was in front.

"I wouldn't yell if you weren't walking so fast," he whined as he caught up.

"So why is the king an Earth racist? Is that right? Or an Earth race traitor?"

Talia's eyebrows furrowed and her face changed but she was just far enough ahead for the boys not to see.

"Why does anyone hate a whole race of people? There's no point in figuring out that kind of brain rot. Do you know what happens to things with rot?"

Julian frowned.

"Uh... what happens to- I mean probably-"

"Things that have rot get buried and fertilize the ground for the rest of us. That way, at least something good can come from them. People with brain rot are just the same."

Julian found his mouth slightly open but wordless. He looked back at Cairo. Cairo pressed his lips together. They walked in awkward silence for a while. Finally, Cairo jogged past Julian so he could take the reins of the conversation.

"In my experience, people usually have some kind of source for their hate. Some kind of reason. I mean no reason is ultimately a good reason to hate a race of people, but... you know, people usually point to something."

Talia pursed her lips, looking straight ahead. Cairo could see the question mulling around in her head.

"Abuse," she said.

"Abuse?" he asked.


"What kind of abuse."

Talia sighed.

"Apparently the king didn't have a great life back on Earth. He was a child when he crossed over. He didn't feel the kind of love he was supposed to feel, not until he met the Nom. They showed him kindness. His whole reign is about repaying it."

Cairo raised his brow and nodded.

"That's... wow... that's pretty sad."

Talia scowled as she turned to him. Then she raised an eyebrow.

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