9th: Talia (3)

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"Not on record, no. It just doesn't happen," she said.

"How is that even possible?" said Cairo, "It can't just be a one way street."

"It really is," she said, "You walked off a cliff and you survived the fall. There's no way back up so just be glad you're alive."

Cairo folded his arms.

"I just don't... I can't believe you."

Talia shrugged.

"Then don't."
Julian raised an eyebrow.

"What about off the record?"


Cairo nodded at his friend and then back to Talia.

"Right! There's gotta be a legend or something. Someone who knows someone who said they had a friend who found a way back."

Talia let out a big sigh and turned away from them.

"Come on, give me something," he said.

She shook her head looking down at the ground.

"I don't have time for this. Head home. Read the book. Get used to it. Don't call me again."

She took a few steps away and then started into a sprint.

"Wait! Please!"

She dashed up the side of a tree with some low branches nearby and disappeared. Cairo's shoulders sank. Neither could hear any movement. She was gone.

Julian frowned.

"I don't like her."

Cairo turned around to face him as he palmed his temple and looked into the trees. He started pacing.

"I don't even... how do we get... ugh!"

"That was rude, right? She was rude," said Julian.

"If I wanted to go back to the cabin, which I do not, I wouldn't even know which way to go! I don't even know how far we we are from the main road! We're like babies out here!"

"You would think with all we had going on she would have been cooler than that. If she's our 911 then I'm not calling anymore. You know, This is why people don't trust the system and just buy guns."

"This PLACE, man! We can't catch a-"

They both stopped at the sound of a thump on the forest floor. They turned to look behind them. It was a man. He'd clearly fallen from the trees as leaves wafted to the ground next to him. He had landed on his feet in a crouch and then stood up

"Well, hey," he said with a nod of his head.

If he had had a hat he would have tipped it.

"Hello..." Cairo said slowly.

The man smiled and began slowly pacing in front of them. His body looked like it had been sculpted out of marble. He had a darker complexion and was tall, but not excessively. His dark eyes peered from under a lowered brow, staring them down with something unsettling in them. A dark intent was there, concealed by little to nothing in his expression.

"Who are you?" said Cairo.

The man cocked his head.

"Anyone from Dezu would know exactly who I am. So if you don't, that means you're not from Dezu. And if you're not from Dezu... that means I know exactly who you are."

Cairo took a slight and instinctive step back. The man chuckled.

"It looks like I'll have to introduce myself, though I prefer my reputation to precede me. I am the man, the myth, the menace. The people call me Firus the Great. I'm the hunter who never misses a mark."

"Oh boy... here we go," came Julian's voice from behind Cairo.

He was peeking around his friend as he watched the man pace. The man called Firus peered around Cairo to address him.

"Ever been hunted before?"

Julian cleared his throat and spoke under his breath.

"Only by the ladies," he said.

Julian often joked inappropriately to himself. It was a way to self soothe when he was uncomfortable. But his eyes widened when Firus began to laugh. There was no way he'd actually heard that! 

"Hey, I like that! Rambunctious!" Firus said, "It's alright. Generally, I wouldn't say being my prey is as fun as that. But fortunately for you it'll be your first and last time."

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