0: Glass Root Elixir (5)

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That is, until it burst into flames. The forest lit up with the light of the blast. The wagon burned in a fury. Micah began gliding faster into the trees and decided now would be a good time to turn around and see where he was going. He darted through the tree trunks, weaving in and around them. He went as fast as he could within reason. He could only react so fast as the forest came at him. He was horizontal now, gliding through branches and avoiding the brush. The farther he got from the glow of the burning wagon, the harder it was to keep this up.

All at once he was stopped. A hand gripped tightly around his neck. Micah's body lurched forward at the sudden loss of forward momentum. He gagged and his muscles tensed from the pain. His hands scrambled to release himself. It was no use. The figure held him in front of its shadowy face. The glowing coals of smoldering fire looked deep into his own. A light appeared in dark that lit them both up in full view. It came from the flames sprouting from the palm of the figures other hand. Before him was the face of the king.

His eyes returned to normal but were fixed with rage on Micah who's face was bright red with strain. Micah managed to find enough space in his throat to choke out a few words.

"You aren't as subtle as you think."

The king sighed.

"I don't know how hard I was trying. Subtly isn't a strength of mine."

His grip loosened a bit but he still held him fast. Micah could feel the warmth of the kings hand growing the longer he was held.

"I know you have a family, " the king said, "Probably with some half-bred children. I left it up to you to decide if you wanted to lead me to them and get this over with or if you wanted to take the cowards way and drag this out for them even longer."

Micah's nostrils flared. His feet began lifting him off the ground. The king tightened his grip again as his own feet began to slide.

"No you don't, " he said through gritted teeth as his hand full of fire reached for a nearby tree branch.

He held them steady as Micah held his forearm trying to get him to let go.

"No, the running is over. You had the chance to spare your family the added grief. A life on the run isn't easy. Doing it without a father is even harder. But it's done now. You took the selfish route. More work for me."

He pulled him to the ground until he was on his knees. The king's face had an unyielding coldness to it. He lifted Micah's head and straightened him up a bit before giving his final decree.

"Micah Tafferty, you have been found guilty of willful endangerment of the people of Dezu. For this crime you have been sentenced to death. Speak your last words, and do not waste them on a plea."

Micah's eyes were full of tears that began streaming down his face. He wept silently but the flicker of the kings light showed defiance in his face.

"Long live a world where the white wolf won."

A bright light could be seen over the tops of trees from a mile away, a light that was gone almost as soon as it appeared.

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