2nd: A Walk in the Night (2)

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"I've never seen anything like this."

"Right?" said Cairo, "I think it was worth diving for."

"Well, you can use it as a night light, " Devin said, handing it back to his daughter.

Raina headed for the door and then looked at Cairo.

"He might be the new 'Big Brother'."

Cairo put it arms out.

"Over the one who saved your life today?"

Raina raised her eyebrows and shrugged as she walked out. Devin laughed and left with her. The guys both turned around and faced the big screen. Cairo scoffed.

"Girls' a jerk."

The evening went late into the night. The guys were talking over videos they were watching online after they had temporarily burnt out on a new boss they had reached in Knights of Ablazia.

"I just don't know how you do it, man," Julian said.

Cairo shrugged.

"It's really not that big of a deal. And its rewarding ultimately."

"Sure, man... but diapers ... Grown folks diapers."

"It's not that bad, " he said.

"For YOU! I definitely couldn't do it."

"Well it's part of my curriculum for nursing so you have to get down and dirty sooner than later."

"You have too much-"

Julian stopped. Cairo had heard it too. Something had bumped just outside the door. They looked at each other and paused the video they had been talking over. They could hear soft footsteps. Both of them hopped over the back of the couch and opened the door.

There she was, wandering around the hallway. She was gently bumping against the walls as she went.

"So you just follow her, right?" Julian whispered.

Cairo nodded. They tailed Raina down the halls until she reached the dining area. She managed not to bump the table too much or any of the chairs. She reached a sliding glass door that lead outside. They watched her gently feel for the latch and unlock it. She grabbed the handle and very deliberately slid it open.

"Are you sure she's not awake?" whispered Julian.
Cairo nodded again.

"Dude, that's crazy..."

Raina headed out the door, leaving it slid open behind her as she began walking along the grey stone path. It was a pretty and winding thing with a grey that was so dark it was almost black. She followed it for a ways into the tropical forest. She was wearing only pajamas but the storm had died down and all that was left was a warm night breeze. The moon shone down on her through the shadowy fingers of the palm branches.

Cairo and Julian were still dressed for the day and hadn't even gotten into there night clothes after they had changed from swimming. Their shoes had been just outside the glass door so they easily slipped them on before continuing to follow her. They had been a bit wet from being carried with their sopping swim gear. The soles had bits of wet sand lining the inside of them. Julian had noticed a bit of a soggy squeak when he walked but Cairo was concerned for Raina as he had noticed she was barefoot. The path was clear though, with only a small layer of sand sprinkled over the top of it.

When she was nearing the end of the path the boys had caught up to her and were following closely behind.

"I know we can't wake her, but she'd be so easy to just pick up right now," said Julian, still in a hushed tone.

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