4th: Stolen (2)

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"Yes... I am sorry about the girl... She was too close to him. I couldn't get to her before he caught on."

"Where?!" said Cairo.

"She's still with him I imagine. I saw her with his men as I escaped."

"Is he sending her home? Without us?" Cairo asked.

"No..." said Harper, stopping what he was doing again.

He turned around.

"Thats... Not possible."

"What do you mean?" said Julian.

Harper sighed.

"I mean that's the part he was lying to you about. He can't send you home. He can't send anyone home."

"Where was he taking us, then?" asked Cairo

Harper rubbed the back of his neck.

"He told you that the violet dilinium crystal can make you crossover. It can't. I should know because I manufactured it. The only thing its good for is limited transport between crossover points on this side of the dimensional wall. The room he was leading you to was an incinerator."


Cairo threw his covers off and stood up from the bed. He immediately lost his stability when he tried to walk. Harper quickly stepped to the side of the bed and caught him.

"Hey, hey! It's okay!"

"We've got to go get her!" Cairo said, trying to push past him.

"Stop, please stop, you're in no condition-"

Cairo lost his footing completely and Harper held him up.

"You don't know. She's my cousin, but more like a sister and-"

"She's safe!" Harper said.

Cairo stopped struggling.

"She's safe, alright? I assure you."

Harper was holding him by his shoulders now.

"How would you know?" Julian said, irritation in his voice.

"Because I know him," Harper said, "Or I used to... better than most."

He began helping Cairo back into the bed.

"These packs I'm making for you, they will be your lifeline. There's a bit of food and few other essentials to get you started along with a guide to help you get your bearings here. It also has a bit of information about the world that you'll need to know. Refer to it often."

"How do we get my cousin back?" asked Cairo.

Harper shook his head as he placed the cover back over him.

"I don't know. And I can't help you with that now."

"What?!" said Cairo.

"What about getting home?" said Julian.

The sun was starting to come up. Harper looked towards the rays trying to make their way into the room. He stood up and went to the workbench to pack a few more things.

"You don't."

Julian opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He was still processing what was said. Harper turned around with the two packs in either hand. They were burlap with straps and a tie at the top.

"When you wake up, these will be in your new dwelling. Follow the guides instructions very carefully and to a T. It will keep you safe. You are going to be put down now. This is so, when you wake up, you won't know how to get here if you're ever interrogated. I need my home safe for anyone else that needs help."

He placed the bags at the foot of the bed. The boys then realized he had a needle in his hand again.

"Please no! Not again! I hate needles!" said Julian, putting his hand out.

"'We don't'...?"

Cairo was looking incredulously to the side as he meditated aloud on the words Harper had just said to them. He then stared directly into his eyes.

"You are out of your mind!" he said, "There's no way I'm letting Raina-"

His eyes widened as Harper drew closer to the head of the bed. With a despondent expression, he vanished totally. The two looked all around the room. Suddenly, Julian jumped at a prick on his forearm. He grabbed it and Cairo caught his reaction just as he felt a prick in his own arm. A voice spoke as they both began to fade out of consciousness again.

"I'm sorry boys. This is your home now."

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