21st: Caddock (3)

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"Yeah!" said Raina, "He's pretty famous too. So he likes to go on road trips and stop in small towns with me so we can feel more normal. He says it's not good for me to not be like regular kids. So he tries to do things to help me see what it's like."

"Hmm," said Caddock, "you seem very close to him."

"Yeah..." she said, "he's my best friend... but he's also kinda controlling. He treats me like a kid... I mean of course, I am a kid. But I'm not like other kids. I'm smarter than most kids my age but my dad acts like I don't know anything."

Caddock nodded his head thoughtfully. Jennivah stood up and started clearing everyone's dishes including the messy unattended plate of the twins. The boys had left for their room to play with Prince. Raina had first assured the rat that the boys were friendly. Unbeknownst to them she had also convinced him that they had food in order to seal his cooperation. This appeared to leave them in awe when they saw how eagerly the rodent followed them into the other room.

"It sounds like you've lead a very different life than most children. Certainly than me. I didn't do much traveling growing up."

"You mean, you didn't do much traveling until Orion became Prince," Jennivah said.

Caddock conceded.

"That's true, I did a lot more traveling then."

"Huh?" said Raina.

"Oh, nothing," Caddock said, "I've just served in this palace my whole life. Not much traveling here unless I was sent out. Orion changed that though."

Raina's eyebrows came together in pondering.

"Wasn't Orion a servant too?"

"Yes," Caddock said, "We served together for many years. We grew up together. Then he became the prince and life changed a lot for me. For the whole kingdom really."

"So you were there for the whole white wolf, thing?!" she said.

"White shadow dog," he said, "'wolf' is a word from the human world. A species over there that stays smaller and runs in packs. But yes, I knew him then. He changed the way things were with Vincarsee after that day. Slowly but surely. And now you rarely see them."

"Orion told me what a Vincarsee was. It's what they call humans here, right? Cuz we have superpowers?"

"Yes and no," he said, "It's a term with broader meaning than that. Vincarsee can be human but they can also be half human or have human in their bloodline. There's a much more rare type who are born with powers. Harper explained that it had something to do with 'latent human genetics in the greater Nom bloodline' or something like that."

"Who's Harper?" Raina asked.

Caddock sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"He's an old friend. A human one. Very very intelligent. So much knowledge he gifted to this kingdom."

"Can I meet him? It would be nice to meet someone else from Earth. All I know is Orion."

Caddock leaned his head from side to side.

"He's not exactly easy to get ahold of. He's supposed to have gone home like the rest of the people from Earth. Like you're supposed to once we find your kin and his friend. But Harper doesn't seem to be interested in leaving."

"Why not?" Raina asked.

"He's... not very trusting of Orion. He thinks he hates humans. Thinks Orion is trying to do them harm."

"Humans?" said Raina, "Why?? He likes me! We hang out all the time! He just saved me and almost died!"

Caddock shook his head.

"I know. It makes you wonder. How can he be so brilliant and believe such a thing."

Jennivah spoke from washing the dishes in the sink.

"All the humans in Dezu believe it."

"It's true," Caddock said, "After Orion discovered a way to send the humans back, Harper just vanished. He'd given us so much! He helped improve the the plumbing systems throughout the palace and in parts all through the kingdom, he brought us countless new discoveries in the sciences. Of course that's what a lot of humans have done throughout our history. But he was this generation's savant. I couldn't believe when he of all people took sides against the king. He was the one who helped him develop the technology to send them back! He created the Conveyance Stone, the purple one that the king uses to hop from portal to portal."

"Wow... he sounds great. And also crazy."

Raina paused and frowned.

"So why hasn't Orion gone home? He can send everyone else back. Why can't he go home too?"

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