2nd: A Walk in the Night (1)

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Cairo, Raina, Julian, and Devin all sat in the theatre room as their movie ended. Raina was bundled up tight with a mug that had been filled with her favorite toffee flavored hot cocoa. After her bout with the ocean, she had been all worn out when she got in. Her father had doted on her. She hated the fact that she had proven all his fears correct. The experience had certainly scared her, but her frustration rivaled her residual fear. Cocoa and a movie helped.

"Alright, little one, time for bed, " said Devin.
Raina sighed and nodded as she got up.

"Lost all your fight against bedtime in the waves, huh?" said Julian.

Raina put her blanket over her shoulders and headed around the the couch toward the door. Devin got up with her.

"Goodnight, Fluff, " Cairo said.

Raina yawned.

"Goodnight you guys."

She walked out of the room. Devin went out with her and then stopped before closing the door.

"Oh! Cai!"

He walked back in and closed the door.

"I forgot to tell you, I have a work thing tonight."

Julian turned around on the couch, wide-eyed.

"Oh snap! Can you tell us about it?"

Devin laughed.

"It's a conference call. The new director I'm working with wanted me to do a reading with a few people. He's an interesting guy. Anyway, I just wanted you to know so you can cover Raina-watch for me."

"Yeah, of course, " Cairo said.

"Oh! The sleepwalk thing!" said Julian.

"Right, " said Dev, "So if she gets up I'll need you to handle it tonight."

"No problem at all, " Cai reaffirmed, "We'll keep an eye out. I'm sure we'll be up."

Just then, quick footsteps could be heard rushing toward the door. Raina burst in.

"Julian! I can't believe it!"

They all looked to see her holding the bright red stone out in front her. It was a magnificent glistening thing. It was little bigger than the palm of Raina's hand and was a type of crystal. It could now be seen that the glow of the thing was no trick of the light. It had its own glow even in the dark of the theatre room.

"What on Earth is that?" said Devin.

Cairo looked at Julian.

"You got it?! You didn't even say anything!"

He smiled.

"Better believe it."

"It was on my nightstand next to my bed, " said Raina, "You are so cool! Thank you!"

She ran to him and hugged him over the couch. He gave a little grunt in response.

"Don't mention it, " he said with a smile.

The stone was still in her hand as her arms were wrapped around Julian. Cairo looked at it closely.

"What is that thing?"

Devin was looking at it too.

"Can I see that?"

Raina released Julian and handed the stone to her father.

"Huh, " he said, turning it over.

The thing had what looked like refracted light in it that seemed to sparkle like a diamond. But the light was definitely internal and not external. The stone glowed with its red glow and shone faintly on the walls of the theatre room.

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