Chapter 4 : sick and revealed

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Hermione pov.

Melody was completely fine. So after 30 minutes I walked towards my common room. I walked in to see Pansy and Astoria in a conversation and the boys in a conversation. I was still mad at Draco but less. I went to sit with Pansy and Astoria who greeted me. This got some surprised faces from the boys.

I started talking with them. Before we knew it, it was 9 pm. Right at that moment, there was an owl at the window.

"Huh, isn't mail normally during breakfast?" Draco asked, suspicious walking towards the owl. He opened the window and took the letter. "It's for you Granger," he says. "Just call me Hermione, Draco" I say annoyed. He throws the letter at me. I open the letter


Come to Melody fast, she's very sick and is asking for you


Tears were rolling over my cheeks. Without thinking I threw the letter behind me and ran towards the Room of Requirement. At the moment I didn't care who knew about Melody, nobody knew who she was. I couldn't lose her too.

I stormed inside the Room of Requirement. "Where is she?" I asked my voice breaking. "She's there. Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey already found out it's her magic kicking in. It's early I know, but it is because she is a metamorphmagus." McGonagall answered quickly and reassured me. " I think it would be better if she stayed with you in your common room. Does Mr Malfoy know about Melody?"

I shook my head. "He doesn't, but she's a witch?" I say happy, but still worried. "Of course, only witches and wizards can cross the magical barrier around Hogwarts." She knew all along. I smiled happily. "What she is going through now only dures for half an hour and she has been in it for 20 minutes. I think it's best if you take her with you when it's done. She needs you now. You want me to tell Mr Malfoy or will you do it yourself.?" she asks.

"I'll tell him myself, but where will she sleep?" "I just made another room appear in your common room, it's Melodys." "Thank you, professor."

Draco pov.

Hermione just storms out of the common room. I looked at the letter, she threw it away and ran out, it must have something to do with her. 'Again that Melody... I wonder who she is, she must be important to Hermione if she storms out in tears.'

Out of nowhere we hear a pop and the floor starts moving slightly. I look up to see a fourth door appear next to Hermione's room. On it is a name "Melody..." I mummer.

"You know who she is?" Blaise asks. "Not personal. I know she means a lot to Hermione, she's sick that's why she ran out like that. It's in the letter. And when I looked into her mind she was thinking about a certain Melody. Couldn't see who she was though."

Around 15 minutes later the portrait to the common room opens. Hermione walks through it with a little girl around a year. We all looked at her shocked. "You have a kid?" Pansy managed to get out.

"No, but wait a minute I'll explain in a bit." She walks into the room with Melody on. So that's Melody. After a minute she walks out without the little girl.

"'Mione no offense, but I didn't expect this from you..." Astoria says. We all nod and look at Hermione in agreement.

"She isn't my daughter, she is my sister." "She's 4 or so," Blaise says, shocked

Hermione pov.

"To be exact she is 1 year and 5 months." I sigh deep as I put my head in my hands. "I'm sorry for this morning Hermione," Draco says. "It doesn't matter. But be glad Pansy and Astoria talked to me because otherwise I would've hexed you into oblivion." I say with a small smile.

"But she is your sister, how come your parents decided to take another kid when you're already 17?" Astoria asks this time.

I get my hand through my hair sitting down to explain a very long story. "It was a month before I left for horcrux hunting with Harry and Ron. I thought it would be better if they didn't know I existed until war was over so they wouldn't get tortured for information or stuff. I obliviated me from their minds. They didn't know of my existence. Guess they always wanted a child. After the war, I went to find them. I sended them to Australia. I found them with Melody as I undid the charm. Melody was already a year." Tears start to well up in my eyes.

"She's all I have left at the moment. Ron dumped me after he found out about me obliviating my parents, Harry and Ginny took his side for a reason, probably told them I cheated on him." Tears start falling down my eyes.

"And your parents?" Theo asks carefully.

"They... they got into a car accident 2 moths ago. I was left to take care of Melody, and asked McGonagall if she could come with me to Hogwarts, until my parents got better. They did get better but they still have to make some arrangements they have to make before Mel can go back home." I say as tears keep falling from my face. "I don't mind watching her, she's still my little sister."

"The letter said she was sick. Is she alright?" Draco asks with worry in his voice. 'Is he worried about her? Maybe I should have told him before. I've been hiding it for almost 2 months.' (A/N sorry it's already the end of october)

"Yes, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey said it was her magic kicking in." I answer with a small smile.

"Isn't that a bit early. You said she was 1 year?" Theo aks. "Apparently she's a metamorphmagus. That's why it's kicking in early." I answer smiling.

"You're sure magic isn't running in your family? You and your sister both? That's one hell of a coincidence." Pansy grins.

"It is running in the family actually. But nobody knows, since my dad has another name in the wizarding world. He isn't a Granger, but we make people believe that. I'm a pureblood to be honest." I say with a smirk.

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