Chapter 15 : I Love You

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Draco pov.

I was worried about Mione. She has been in her room since we arrived. We were just sitting in the living room when Jean mentioned me.

"You're Draco, right?"

"Yes I am"

"You should go check on Hermione. She's never been angrier."

"Are you sure she calmed down?"

"No" I was kind of shocked. She wanted me to go check on her daughter who's eyes can burn me or make me go up in flames. She must've noticed. "The way she talked about you in her letters... She trusts you... a lot... And that doesn't happen a lot. Especially after Ron. If she isn't completely calm I'm sure you can calm her down."

"Where's her room?"

"Second level, third room at the right. If she doesn't open, use 'pantentibus' (open in Latin) It's a spell she created for when she's angry so she doesn't hurt anyone. But I think you can go in without being hurt."

I nodded as I walked towards her room. I knocked on her door, but got no response. "Mia, open the door please." Still no response.

I pointed my wand at the door and mumbled the incantation. The door opened. When I walked in, I almost ran back out. Her couch was on fire, I think it was a rug that was in ashes and her eyes were pure red.

"Mia, calm down please."

"I can't" she almost sobs. I try to get to her to give her a hug but she steps back. "Don't touch me, I'll burn you even if I don't want to."

I ignored her comment. She definitely needed a hug. When she turned her back at me I took my chance. I stepped closer and gave her a hug from behind. She jumped out of surprise and lucky me, I didn't get burned. Her flaming red eyes almost immediately softened and were back to brown.

"How did you do that?" She asked

"Do what?"

"Calm me down?"

"I just thought you needed a hug since you always calm down when I give you one or when you're closer to me. Don't ask me how I have no idea."

"I do... But I didn't think this was possible." I look at her confused. What was she talking about?

"It's a curse. The red eye thing. Blaise can do it too. But since he didn't know, he couldn't, just not yet."

"You're cursed?"

"I am. Originally the plan was to curse only Blaise. And with curse I mean, give him 'power' in some situations. It was my biological mother who placed the curse. She knew about me, but didn't think it would involve me. Blaise was spelled or cursed, that if he was angry he would've had the power to destroy the thing or person he was angry at. But since we're twins the curse came down on both of us."

"How does that explain this?"

"Let me explain. Ever since I knew I was under that curse, every single room I could be in was made fireproof. That includes my dorm at Hogwarts. Plus library at Hogwarts. That was also the reason I didn't make contact with a lot of people. Scared of hurting them by accident. I read everything people knew about the curse. Including the calming down part."

I gesture her to continue

"The calming down part is a bit scary. Every person under influence of this curse, when gotten extremely mad revolving in eyes as red as blood, can be calmed down by one person. This person has to be within a metre of the cursed one. Calming the cursed one happens best when hugged. You're that one person"

"I'm your boyfriend, why is it such a surprise? Isn't it logical?"

"Draco, that person isn't just a random somebody or boyfriend to the cursed one."

"Then what or who am I to you?"

"The cursed one, or in this case me, can only be calmed down by their soulmate" She looks at me with small and scared eyes.

"Wait, that means... that I am your soulmate." I half scream. She nods "You are" I stood still, hammered to the floor. I'm a f*cking idiot! I tormented my soulmate for 7 years!

"You're not mad it's me?" She looks at me like I just became Fluffy. She told me about that three headed dog!

"Why would I be mad it's you Draco? I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. I love you" She slams her hand over her mouth. She never told me that before. She looks down flushed in embarrassment.

"Hey don't be embarrassed" I cup her chin in my hand and pull her head up so she's looking at me. "I love you too" I whisper before kissing her. Let's just say it didn't end there. We were lucky no one walked in. Especially Blaise, or worse her dad!


Word count 820


A/N : I know it is short but... If the update is under the 1000 words I'm making 2 in 4 days instead of one! So check again thursday!

Love, your writer SB

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