Chapter 28 : Guilty? Crazy?

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Hermione pov

A few days ago, Draco had broken down. He missed his parents. Before Voldemort came back in fourth year, his father had thought him so much. He learned Draco how to fly, how to brew some potions,... Usual things that fathers teach their sons. He didn't know though that his mother was on the betterhand and she might even be at our graduation. I knew how he felt though. When I had obliviated my parents I missed them too, the only difference is that I got them back after a year.

Draco was asleep at the moment and I was sitting in the common room, reading a book 'The perks of being a wallflower' when an owl flew in through the open window. It dropped a letter on the table and I looked at it. The owl didn't wait for a treat and flew back outside.

The letter was from the wizengamot. Addressed to Draco. Which meant it was about his father in Azkaban. My curiosity got the betterhand of me and I opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Draco Malfoy,

A few days ago, Mr. Corban Yaxley died in Azkaban. You will know him as a death eater. You're probably curious why we are informing you of this. He died 2 days ago after commiting suicide.

2 hours after Mr Yaxley's death, your father, Lucius Malfoy, started acting strange. He didn't know what happened and why he was in Azkaban. After a long investigation, we found out Mr. Yaxley's death had something to do with that.

Your father was imperiused by Mr Yaxley ever since the end of 1995. In other words, since the moment Voldemort came back. Your father underwent another trial yesterday evening. He told us the last thing he properly remembered was reading a letter with his wife, from his son, you, about the triwizard championship. This proved our thoughts about the curse.

Your father has been cleared from all charges, after being proved innocence, and will be released tonight, at 5 pm. We would like it if you came to pick him up and bring him home to Malfoy Manor.


Head auror

Frank Longbottom

I didn't hesitate to go to Draco's room and wake him up. She shook him lightly, as he began to stir. "Draco. There's a letter for you from the wizengamot. It's good news."

Draco jumped up at that, and reached for the letter. He read through it quickly and smiled while tears rolled down his face. Tears of joy. He dropped the letter on his bed and hugged Hermione.

"Draco? You'll have to be quick though. It's already 4 pm 30. And you still need to ask McGonagall for permission."

"You're right" He jumped from his bed, pulled on some decent clothes and dragged Hermione out of the room. He almost ran to the Headmistress' office so you can imagine how fast Hermione had to run. He entered after he knocked on the door.

"What can I help you with Mr Malfoy?"

"I would like to go and take my father home."

"Isn't he in Azkaban?" She asked carefully. Draco smiled a happy smile and gave her the letter he had been given by Hermione not even 10 minutes ago. "It's alright, you can go. I'll also give permission to take 1 person with you." He shot Hermione a look. She nodded, convincing herself he wasn't who he was when she met him for the first time. At Malfoy Manor. When she got tortured. By his sister-in-law.

"Come on then, it's already 4 pm 50!" He started dragging her out of the headmistress office but she coughed to gain his attention, which worked.

"I know you're happy about the fact your father is a free man, but I think it's better if you stop dragging Ms Zabini around and that you floo there. You can use my personal one." Draco looked a bit embarrassed and shot Hermione an apologetic look. Hermione just shrugged it off.

By the time they arrived at the ministry, they still had 3 minutes left. Draco pulled Hermione to the helpdesk and asked after his father. The witch behind the desk pointed to a door to the right side of the desk. He knocked on the door which opened. As he entered he was pulled into a hug. He immediately knew it was his father. He let go of Hermione's hand and hugged his father back.

"Draco. My boy. All grown up," Lucius smiled as he pulled away from Draco.

"Dad. How are you?"

"Now, I'm going home? Believe me, I can't wait to see Cissy again."

"Well about mom... After the war, she got PTSD. And not a mild form. She has been at St-Mungos for the last year. The doctors told me she wouldn't be getting better anytime soon. And-" Hermione coughed, gaining the attention of both wizards who had tears in their eyes.

"That's not completely true Dray. You know that I was somewhere every Saturday evening?" Draco nodded. "Well, I was with your mom every time. I told her what had happened that week and she listened. She loves to hear stories about you. And it calmed her down. The more I came by, the less problems she had with her PTSD. So I went every week. And two weeks ago, she was allowed to go back home. She sended an owl to tell me that she had completely redecorated the Manor, so last Saturday I went there. She's much better than the last time you saw her."

Draco was crying now. He pulled me in a hug. "Thank you Mia. Thank you." He kept mumbling thank you to me.

"It's alright Draco. I think you will love the new sight of the manor." I smiled at him.

"Not to be rude or anything... But who exactly are you?" Lucius interrupted Draco's thank you's.

"Oh sorry I completely forgot dad. This is my girlfriend. Hermione Zabini, or as you still know her, Hermione Granger. Apparently Blaise's mother had twins and had made a deal with his father that he could take the girl and leave the wizarding world. He took the name of the muggle he married."

"Ms Granger? I'm truly sorry for everything I did to you. I don't know what exactly it was, but I'm sorry. Also thank you for helping my wife"

"You didn't know Mr Malfoy. Don't worry about it, I did it with pleasure. Now are you ready to go? If I'm correct it is Saturday and Narcissa awaits me at exactly 5pm30 which is in 2 minutes." Draco chuckled and Lucius smirked.

"Still as strict as before." He mumbled under his breath just before they apparated to the Manor.


Word count : 1124


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