Chapter 9 : The Halloween Ball

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Hermione pov.

I entered our common room and saw all of our friends sitting there. Theo was sitting very close to Astoria with an arm around her waist and Pansy was snuggled up to Blaise. Something must have happened in Hogsmeade between those 4.

"Astoria, Pansy you coming to get ready? Guys don't worry Draco will be right here." I tell them. They all nod. The girls followed me to my room.

"You got the dresses?" "Of course we have them. How can we forget about them?" Pansy smirked.

"Okay, what happened between you and Blaise, and between you and Theo? You guys looked a bit cozy there!"

"Blaise and Theo asked us to the ball." Astoria replies shortly, getting red. "Really Tory? Just admit you and Theo are dating, you were holding hands all the time. It isn't that difficult. I already admitted that I'm dating Blaise. Now it's your turn." Pansy grins at her.

"Congrats Pans! And you too Tory, even if you won't admit it." I smirk at her. "FINE! I'M DATING THEO!" She exclaims.

We burst out laughing when we hear Theo on the other side of the door "I know, babe, no need to shout it!" Astoria quickly puts a silencing charm around the room.

"What about you and Draco. How was your lovely afternoon with him?"

"We just decorated the Great Hall for the ball. Remember you had to bring a dress for me?"

"Yes, and Draco will love it! You guys should date already, you're too cute!" I blush crimson at this. They didn't know what happened in the Great Hall and I was planning on keeping it that way for now.

"We're not"

"You are"

"Whatever we should get ready. The ball is in 3 hours, and we haven't even started!" I exclaim trying to change the subject.

"We only have 3 hours left???! Mione you should've said earlier."They say, starting to panic.

After three hours we got ready. On time! (Dresses and makeup in the next chapter)

We walked towards the common room where our dates were. Pansy was with Blaise, Astoria with Theo and me with Draco. As Pansy walks towards Blaise, she twirls a round to show off her dress. Blaise opens his arms and holds her close before giving her a quick kiss.

As Astoria walks to Theo, he offers her his hand, which she gratefully takes. He twirls her around as she starts laughing at him. She twirls towards him and hugs him. They're so cute.

I was still standing where they previously stood. Draco walks towards me. "You look beautiful, Mia."

"You don't look bad yourself." I answer with a smirk. "Like a real Malfoy, Mia, only the last name isn't yet" I blushed scarlet at his comment. He pulls me close and gives me a quick peck on the lips. I put my arms around his neck when his arms find their way around my waist. I give him another kiss but this one is a little longer.

"I told you Tory! I knew something happened while we were gone!!!" Pansy exclaims. Theo and Blaise look at each other confused, I guess they didn't see what happened. I burst out laughing at their faces. They look at me, and their faces turn into a smirk. I see Blaise giving 5 galleons to Theo, but it looks like he doesn't mind.

"What was the bet this time?" Astoria asks Theo. "About when they would get together. Blaise said in a week. I said today. Only 5 galleons though."

Draco looks at me with a smirk. "You didn't tell them either?" "No, I thought it'd be fun when they got to know it like this."

"I'm rubbing off on you. That's very Slytherin of you..." "What do you expect when my boyfriend is the Slytherin Prince? To still be the goody-two-shoes I was once before?" I smirk again. Draco only smiles and kisses me again.

"Hey you two, if you don't mind we're going to a ball alright?"

"Yeah, you guys go, we're right behind you" Draco answers between the kisses. I can hear Blaise and Theo smirk behind me but I don't look up, neither does Draco.

"Nope, not going to happen. We didn't work on her make-up for half an hour to skip the ball with your boyfriend." Astoria smirks. She pulls me towards the Great Hall. I grin at the pout Draco gives me. "Come on then Draco" I half shout at him.

When we entered the Great Hall a mask appeared on our faces. It matched our dresses and suit for the boys. The night passes by rather quickly. But I had fun with my friends.

Draco and I are walking towards our common room as he suddenly puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to a stop.

"You really looked beautiful tonight. I didn't know a Gryffindor could wear Slytherin colors like that. Really had a WOW effect." He smirks at my red cheeks. "No need to blush princess. It's the truth" And now my cheeks were burning even harder. Why did he have this effect on me? Not that I didn't like it.

He started laughing at my red face. "Stop it Draco, it's not funny."

"No it's not, it's rather... what would I call it? Yeah, it's rather cute."

"Shut up!"

"Make me" I lean in and kiss him. He reacts surprised but kisses back eventually. I think he didn't see this one coming. As I pull away I laugh at his surprised face. "Didn't think you would actually do that... But you should shut me up more often, I like it." My red face got back to me. How does he do that? Ugh.

I went to bed knowing it would be a good night for me, without the nightmares or sorrows about Melody.


Word count : 978


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