Chapter 21 : Back To Hogwarts

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Hermione pov (with glamour charm removed)

The train was about to leave the station when my mother said goodbye to me. Blaise pulled me away towards the train. Once we boarded on the train Blaise pulled me towards the compartment of our friends.

I snuggled up to Draco. My brother noticed and rolled his eyes at me.

"Can you not do that please? It's awkward to see my best mate and twin sister snuggled up together"

"I thought you were used to it by now" Draco chuckled at him.


I changed into something more schooly. I was now wearing a red with a dark red skirt. I combined it with some gold jewelry that would go well with my outfit and backpack.

 I combined it with some gold jewelry that would go well with my outfit and backpack

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Once we got off the train, people started looking at me. I mean, I looked different but not that much, right?

Draco put his arm around my shoulders to "show off" his girlfriend. Dean and Seamus were redoing their seventh year but they were the only Gryffindors of my year who were.

"Hey Malfoy !" Dean shouted.

"Weren't you with Hermione?" Seamus shouted after him, sounding protective over me. They had found out about me being a Zabini and had made a truce with the Slytherins after they had apologized. But they were still protective over me when I was with them.

Draco shot me a look that said 'Do you tell them or do I'.

"Hey Dean, Seamus!" I greeted them.

"And who are you?" they asked like I did something wrong.

"Did I change that much? Anyway, it's me Hermione. My father moved the glamour charm". They looked like they had seen a ghost.

"If you are really Hermione, what did you do in second year in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom?" Dean interrupts.

"I made polyjuice potion. Enough for three people being Harry, Ron and me" I feel a bit angry as I said Ron's name. My eyes must have gone red.

"Mione! Why are your eyes red!" Seamus interrupts Dean. Draco heard what he was saying and hugged me from behind, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Calm down Mia, he isn't anywhere near Hogwarts." He assures me. I feel my eyes calm down.

"I'm sorry" I say as I run away. I almost hurt my friends! As I run away I hear Draco say to them not to mention his name when I'm around.

Because he was the reason I could lose control.

Word count : 411

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