Chapter 6 : The nighmare

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A/N : Sorry if it's a bit emotional.... Tell me if I need to warn you for heavy / emotional chapters please. Love, SB

Draco pov.

"Just promise me you stop? Ok? If you want to talk I'm right here" I tell her. She nods her head slightly. But she kept hugging me. But I didn't mind. I wanted to be here for her.

I don't know how long we sat there. But before I knew it her breath steadied as did her heart beat.

"'Mione?" I looked down at her, she fell asleep. I carried her towards her bedroom and put her into her bed. I left the room after I tucked her in and went to mine to catch up some sleep for myself.

Hermione pov. (A/N : italics are dreams/nightmares)

It was dark. I looked around trying to find something. I didn't know what though. Suddenly I started walking towards something. Or better said some place. I remember this.

I walked towards my parents in the living room. "Obliviate" I said with tears in my eyes, threatening to fall. I walk out with my little handbag. I got all of my stuff in it with the help of an expansion charm.

As I left the house, a sound came from behind me. I turned around and saw Bellatrix. She had her wand pointing at my mother while another death eater pushed his wand to the cheek of my fathers face.

"Undo the spell, mudblood" Bellatrix snears. "If you don't, we'll make you. Dolohov show her, will you?"

"Crucio," he says. My father falls down to the floor and starts screaming in pain. "Stop please, I'll undo the charm" I beg her with the tears falling down my face.

"That's more like it, mudblood," she sneers again. After I undid the charm my whole surroundings faded. In the place of my childhood house appears a big black room. I can remember this place out of thousands.

"Crucio" I hear but not a second later I fall to the ground in pain. I looked up, it wasn't Bellatrix who cursed me. It was Ron I thought.

"It's me 'Mione. Remember? Your best friend." 'Harry?' I thought.

"Why, Harry?" "I only used u, u stupid mudblood. You're a filthy mudblood. You don't deserve to live. I just used you to get through my school years. And Ron was always right. We should've left you the day we met. But then again, we wouldn't graduate. And we didn't want to disappoint the Weasleys. They know about our little talk. Ginny almost threatened me, that she wanted to be the one that got to torture you. Guess what, we'll do it all together at once." He answers with an evil grin.

I burst out in tears from pain, misery and betrayal. The person I took for my brother used that damned curse on me.

Then, my dad walks in. "You really thought we loved you didn't you, Hermione? You were destined to destroy Voldemort but now he's finally back, I must say, I agree with him. You don't belong in this world, you don't deserve this. Same with your mother. You're going the same way she did. I killed her. She was a stupid muggle. How could I ever fall for her and have... something like you. I'm done with all this bullsh*t."

He turns around and mumbles something. He turns his face back to me. "Just so you know, you never deserved to live. Be happy you had 17 years. Same for that little thing you call your sister. She's even worse than you. Look at her" He points his wand at Melody "Avada kedavra, now it's your turn little insufferable know it all, avada kedavra "

I shot up and screamed. Draco runs into my room, face completely pale.

"Hermione, are you alright? Why were you screaming? What -" "Melody, is she okay?"

Draco stands up and goes to Melody's room. He walks in with Melody in his arms. I calmed down a bit when I saw her pulling at Draco's hair. Draco gives her to me. I hug her close.

"She's completely fine 'Mione. What happened?"

"I had a nightmare. My dad... he killed her... and then, he... killed me..." I sob into my blanket. Draco hugs me close. I keep sobbing, but now into his shirt. "I'm sorry for waking you up..."

"Hey, I was already up, Melody was hungry. And even if you woke me up, what does it matter?" He says to me, trying to calm me down. "Look, Melody is completely fine and you're still here too, okay. Just try to grab a bit of sleep." He says.

Just before he walks out the room, after another 30 minutes of destroying another of his shirts with my tears, I call him.


"Yes, 'Mione?"

"Can you please stay?"

"I'll be right back, just putting Melody in her room"

"I mean, both of you, then I'm sure she's okay and you're too."

Draco walks back into the room with Melody and I gesture to him to come sit on the bed. It was a double bed so there was enough. I lay down on my side and face him. He does the same and faces me. He puts Melody between us.

"Try to get some sleep please, I'm right here" He says in a calming voice. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


Word count : 936


A/N : I know, it's short, but hey it's better than nothing. Let me know if I should warn you when it'll get emotional.

Love, your writer SB

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