Chapter 5 : What happened

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Hermione pov.

"It is running in the family actually. But nobody knows, since my dad has another name in the wizarding world. He isn't a Granger, but we make people believe that. I'm a halfblood to be honest." I say with a smirk.

"You're not muggle-born?" Blaise asks, surprised. "No, I'm an halfblood. But my parents asked me to tell nobody. Not even my friends. Harry, Ron, Ginny and the rest of my friends think I'm muggleborn. Or Ron likes to call me a mudblood." I answer sincere.

"Guys, it's already late. We all had an exhausting day. I suggest we go to bed early tonight." Draco yawns.

"I'm hallucinating, Draco wants to go to bed before midnight!" Pansy exclaims, making the rest of us laugh. Draco shouts glances towards them. They seem to get the hint and leave our common room.

Draco stands up and makes sure they left. "What are you on about?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Talking with you" he shrugs. "About what?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Melody? Why didn't you tell us about your such named friends? You know you can trust me and the rest, we're your friends now."

"I... I was scared okay? You don't even know what happened between us. Probably because I didn't tell you but... That's something I really don't want to talk about."

"You can trust me. I won't laugh or something." "That's not the reason I didn't tell you. Because you say you're my friend, so I'm scared you'll go and kill Ron with your bare hands."

"Is it that bad?"

I didn't answer. It was worse. Nobody knew. Me and Ron were the only ones. He swore, if I told anybody, he'd kill me. At that time I was guessing telling anyone would be better than staying with him. So I ran away.To Hogwarts. And nobody knew. I just sended them an owl to say I was safe and they didn't need to worry. They replied with an ok, and that was the last time I heard from them.

Draco looks at me worried. My eyes were tearing. I was crying, just because I thought of it. "Ron.... he... I... he" I couldn't tell. It hurts too much. Draco scoops me in a hug. "It's alright, you can tell me." I shook my head.

I whisper a charm, Draco must have heard it was a charm because he didn't ask what I said. It was a concealment charm. It hid all the bruises and scars Ron gave me. I saw blue. Literally. There wasn't a spot without bruises. Draco looks at me shocked.

I had a black eye, it didn't go away, it was slightly faded, but still noticeable. My neck and arms were full of scars. My stomach, you couldn't see but there were bruises you couldn't imagine. My legs were worse. They hurt so much from all those times he used the cruciatus curse on me. It was a wonder I could still walk.

"He did this? He didn't curse you, did he?" He asks me. His voice broke in the middle of his sentence. He was worried and hurt. I nodded at him "He...did, the cruciatus....". He pulls me in for another hug.

"I'm scared Draco," I whisper. "I won't let him near you ever again. I promise. If he does, I'll kill him." He says lightly in my ear. I snuggle up closer to him. "He said if I told anybody he'd kill me."

"Don't worry, love. I'll kill him first and you didn't tell me you showed me." I look up at him shocked. 'Did he just call me 'love'?'. He seems to notice what he just said.

"Sorry, didn't mean to tell you that at this moment. I just... slipped?" He says nervous, scratching the back of his neck. I smirk at him. 'I just slipped, you were still thinking about it!' I thought.

"You can choose the moment though. To let something like that slip." I smirk at him.

"I swear if he ever comes near you, I'll kill him with my bare hands. How many times did he use that curse??" He asks, eyeing me worried.My smirk immediately faded. I stay silent. Scared every time he got home after hanging out with his family and friends. If I did something he didn't like, he used it on me.

"'Mione, how many times?" Draco asks me seriously.

"I don't know... I stopped counting... after the twentieth time" "WHAT!!!" He exclaims. "Why did he use it so many times? I mean, why the hell did he even use this curse?"

"He used it every time I did something he didn't want me to or after I didn't do something he wanted..." I managed to get out more confidently than I thought I could sound with this topic.

"Did he do other stuff?- Like assaulting you?" I shook my head. "If he tried that, I hit him with my knee on his personal space. And then, he'd curse me..." I mumble into his chest. I hear him cursing Ron under his breath.

"And your arms, how did that happen?" He points at my arms, where are scars from cutting. I look at them, I still remember how they got there. "'Mione you didn't !" I hide my face into his shirt and start crying harder. "Why would you do that?"

"I'm a piece of shit. I don't deserve anything better than this... He was right all the time... I don't deserve just being here..." Draco holds me tighter against his chest.

"Just promise me you stop? Ok? If you want to talk I'm right here."He says to me. I nod my head slightly. But I keep hugging him. I needed the warmth and the love of someone who did care for me. Someone who didn't curse me because I put his coffee cup not on the left side of his plate.

And maybe Draco could help me get out of this miserable life.


Word count : 1013



I know I didn't update in a while and that this doesn't make sence with everything that happened at the Hogwarts reunion, but that will be cleared out in the rest of this book. Thank you for reading and supporting me

Espacially  @Erki2005

Love, You writer SB

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