Chapter 13 : Time to go home

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Hermione pov.

It was the night before we would return home. Melody was already sleeping. I knew Blaise, Melody and I were going to Zabini Manor. We got a letter from dad last week :

Dear Hermione, Blaise and Melody

I talked to your grandparents about everything that happened between us and asked them if they'd mind if I moved back into the Manor. Of course, Hermione, with Jean. They agreed. They were happy to see me again. Alive and well.

They didn't like the fact I ran away with you, Hermione. But they understood after I explained. They knew it would be worse for you and Blaise to grow up in a place where your parents hated each other.

Blaise, I hope you come to the manor. Hermione told me she told you about her being a Zabini and me marrying a muggle. Melody can also stay at the manor from now on. I know you'll both miss her a lot, but I think it's better for her. I do hope you consider coming over and getting to know Jean.

Hermione, I know it'll be tough to let go, but Melody must stay here, at the manor after the holidays. Maybe I can arrange something with McGonagall so that you can visit over the weekends or so.

I can't wait to see you. Tell Melody I miss her,


I did shed some tears over the fact that I would have to leave Melody. I got used to her having such a big role in my life. After all she was my little sister. I didn't know what the rest would do over the holidays though.

"What are you doing during holidays?" I ask them all. Blaise looks at me suspiciously. I shrug at him.

"Astoria and I are staying. We don't really have... a place to call home" Pansy says sadly. Blaise jaw almost drops.

"What about you Draco?"

"I'm staying with Theo, for the same reason as Pansy and Astoria." Draco answers with the same sad tone Pansy used.

"Blaise can I talk to you for a second?" "Yeah su-" He couldn't finish because I already pulled him out of the common room into my room.

"You alright?" he asks me.

"How fast is your owl?"

"Fastest of Europe, after the Draco's"

"Go get that owl now"

"What are you planning"

"GET THAT DAMN OWL!" He raises his hands in defence as he walks out. I start writing a letter;

Dear dad,

I have a quick question. I told you about being friends with Draco, Theo, Astoria and Pansy, right? I think you know about their situation. They're all staying at Hogwarts, because they don't have a place to call home.

Draco's father is in Azkaban for life. And his mother... She's gone mad after war. Due to memories and traumas. She never got better.

Pansy's and Theo's parents are both in Azkaban. Also not getting free ever again. Astoria's never really cared for her. You know how the Greengrass's are to their daughters.

So my question is, last minute I know but still, can they please stay over the holidays. I mean everyone should have a place to call home. Please?

Love 'Mione

I rolled up the letter when Blaise walked back in with his owl. "Here you go, now tell me what are you planning?"

"You'll see." I say to Blaise as I continue to the owl "Bring this letter to dad, wait for a response and come back as soon as possible."

Blaise went back down to the common room while I waited for a response in my room. After an hour or so Hermes, the owl, was back.

Dear Hermione,

You're right once again. Everyone should have a place to call home. I discussed it with your grandparents and Jean, they all agree. Bring them with you please.


I started smiling and ran down to the common room with Hermes. "Here's Hermes back."

"Why are you smiling like that? I don't like that look" I roll my eyes at Blaise's comment and turn at the rest.

"You're not staying at Hogwarts. You're coming with us to Zabini manor." Blaise jaw dropped. And I could tell the rest was trying not to cry from happiness.

"W-what?" Draco asks, surprised.

"I told dad what's happening to your parents and about your situation, told him everyone should have a place to call home, convinced him that place can be Zabini Manor, and made sure you can stay at the manor over the holidays" I say as I count it up at my fingers.

"You convinced my - our father, who has never met me, his own son, to let your friends stay over the holidays? I would think he didn't like that much people around the first time he'd met me"

"You still have a lot to learn about your father, Blaise. That's for sure. But yes, he's really kind. I'm surprised he wasn't a Hufflepuf."

"He was a Slytherin right?" I nod at Draco. "He was. Don't ask me how!"

Draco comes closer to me and gives me a hug. I hug him back."Thanks for trying to give me a home" He whispers in my ear.

"Don't worry about it, that's what you do for friends, or in this case, boyfriend. I might warn you; dad doesn't know about me having a boyfriend. Maybe his Slytherin will show" I smirk at Draco's face at that comment.

"I hate you Zabini" he says to me.

"But you love me for it. Don't you?"


Word count : 927


A/N : I'm going to chance the time between the chapters. I have a lot of school work and stuff. So I'm making it 4 days for a part. It might be a shorter time between the chapters but I try within 4 days

Love, Your writer SB

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