Chapter 24 : A Year

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A/n : might be emotional for some people

Draco pov

It had been a while since Mia had used her powers in front of our friends. It was pretty scary. I mean she looks hot when she's angry and I told her that before but I didn't mean she had to blow everything up.

We also found out Pansy was Blaise's soulmate since she could calm him down. I feel sorry for Mia and Blaise. They're cursed and Mia had also been through torture. I hate the fact that I was a coward back then and stood by and watched. I should've done something but then we probably both died.

"Dray? What do you think about it?" Mia's voice woke me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, what? I was a bit lost in my thoughts." I answer honestly. Mia put her hand over her Mudblood scar. There was no way she knew what I was thinking about. I look up at her confused. She just shrugged.

"Dad sent me an owl. He asked if we would like to meet up with mom, Melody and him. Next Hogsmead trip. "

"Why not? You miss her and it would be good for you to see her again. And honestly I miss her too." I tell her. And I did miss her, except for the mornings. I could finally sleep until 11 am on weekends. When Melody was here I couldn't. She's such a morning person.

Blaise nodded and started writing. He had stormed in this morning saying, no shouting, that Melody had done some accidental magic. Well, good thing she was in Mia's room when she did, because she putted Mia's bed on fire.

"I'll leave you for today. Enjoy your Saturday!" Blaise shouted leaving us to send the letter. Now I could ask her why she grabbed her arm.

"Mia? Are you alright?" I asked her, worried.

"Yes. Just a bit lost in thought."

"Why are you reaching for your scar?" I asked genuinely confused.

"It's March 26." At my more confused look she added, "Today it's exactly a year ago…" I sighed deep. I felt so sorry for her.

"I'm sorry Mia. I should've done something, I just stood there, watching like the coward I am. I'm sorry I should've done something" I was near tears by now.

Mia came closer and hugged me. "No, it's better you didn't do anything. Otherwise Bellatrix would've hurt you too. I don't want you to feel like you're a coward, because you're not. You willingly gave your wand to Harry. If you didn't we would've died there and then. By not identifying us, you bought us time. Then, at the battle, you threw your wand to Harry, so you helped save the world. If you didn't, things would've ended worse. Don't you dare call yourself a coward"

By now we were both crying. "That's why I love you Mia. You always see the good in people." I hugged her tighter.

"I love you Dray, and you are not a coward." She cried on my shoulder.

Word count : 500

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