Trouple {Bughead + Veronica}

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⚠️ Three person relationship, don't read if it makes you uncomfortable ⚠️
Betty opened the front door from her house and closed it behind her after she walked in. She got met by an empty living room but right after she heard a voice from upstairs.

"Betty! We're upstairs!" Jughead yelled.

Betty dropped her bag on the floor and sighed before making her way upstairs. When she entered the room she saw Jughead and Veronica cuddled up in bed.

The three had been in a so called 'trouple' for almost three months now. It all started when Veronica admitted her feelings for Jughead. Jughead felt something for her too and because he didn't want to hurt her feelings he asked Betty if she maybe wanted to be in a three person relationship. It was hard for her at first because she never had something with a girl but she was bi. After the three got used to it it went actually good until Betty started to get jealous.

Anyway when Betty saw her girlfriend and boyfriend cuddled up in each other's arms she immediately got a bad feeling. "Hey babe", Veronica greeted.

"Hey love", Jughead said at the same time.

"Hai", Betty said softly and kicked off her shoes.

"Come here", Jughead opened his arm so Betty could cuddle him on the other side. Betty crawled over to him and snuggled into his side.

"How was your day?"

"Fine", the blond answered.

"Where the kids loud again?" He asked as the tone in her voice sounded like she wasn't fine. The girl shrugged to avoid him.

"Bettyyy", Veronica wined and leaned over their boyfriend to give her a kiss on her head. "Tell us what's wrong, we don't bite"

Betty looked up and moved her eyes from her boyfriend to her girlfriend and back. She felt her eyes prickle and broke down in tears right after.

Veronica got worried and moved so she was sitting in front of Betty but she ignored her and gave all her attention to Jughead. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried in his side.

"Ronnie can you give us a minute?" Jughead asked his raven haired girlfriend.

"Of course loves", she smiled friendly, "I'm preparing dinner", she added before leaving the room.

"What's wrong Betts?" Jughead asked her as soon as he got the chance.

"I-I don't f-feel comfortable", she sobbed.

"What do you mean?" He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her closer to himself.

"I don't feel comfortable knowing that I'm not your only girl", Betty explained. Jughead sighed and kisses her head, "I liked it when it was just us", she added.

"So you want us to break up with Veronica?" He asked even though the answer was obvious.

"Yeah", Betty said quietly and nodded at the same time.

"You know-...", Jughead started but stopped when he heard a "Oh no" from Betty's mouth.

"You know", he started over, "We can just talk to Veronica and figure things out"

"Probably", she mumbled.

"We'll talk to her after dinner"

After they had dinner and washed the dishes Betty invited Jughead and Veronica to sit on the couch. "Why is this getting so serious?" Veronica asked worried.

Betty sighed and started speaking, "The reason I was upset today and multiple days before is because I don't feel comfortable in the whole trouple thing"

"Owh...Umh..what's gonna happen then?"

"I don't know but I....I want to be with Jughead", Betty said and whispered the last part but the other two heard it.

"I love both of you but I don't know who I more feelings for", Veronica admitted. "Jug you can decided with who you wanna be", she added.

"Vee?" Betty asked confused, she shot a look at her. "Just like that? Jughead is gonna decide? Aren't you mad that I don't want to be with you?"

"Of course not I know this relationship was complicated and I don't see the point of getting mad anyway"

Betty got up and hugged her, in a friendly way this time. "I'm so glad that this is off my chest", Betty told them in relief.

"When do I need to make my decision?" Jughead asked.

"Let's say by tomorrow morning", Veronica suggested and Betty agreed.

For the rest of the evening it had been quiet in the house and everyone had been doing their own thing. The tension between the three was clearly visible because an important decision needed to be made by Jughead.

Veronica was already in bed and Jughead was about to go upstairs too. "I think I'm gonna sleep on the couch", Betty told him.

"Oh okay that's fine", Jughead said and start to walk upstairs.

"Jug", Betty said quickly. He turned around and looked at her questioningly. "Ha-have you made your decision yet?"

He shook his head, "Sorry"

"Ok" she said disappointed and walked back to the couch. She laid down and turned off the lights before falling asleep.

The next day early in the morning Betty woke up when she felt the presence of a human being. "Jug?" She asked confused when she recognized his curly black hair.

"Hey", he said softly, "Can I join?"

"Yea", Betty smiled and scooted over a bit she he could join her on the couch. He laid down next to her and rested his head on her chest.

"What time is it?" Betty asked and started to play with his hair.

"Four I think", he answered before entering a uncomfortable silence.

"I don't know why I said I needed to think about who I want to be with. You were my first and you're gonna be my last", he said then.

"I love you", Betty smiled.

"I love you"

They drifted off to sleep for another five hours. When they woke up they cuddled until they heard Veronica walking down the stairs. "I guess you made your decision", she said disappointed.

"Ronnie I'm sorry but I initially fell in love with Betty"

"Of course I get it", she said almost crying and ran upstairs. She quickly packed all her stuff and then left.

"Just know I still love you.....both of you", the raven haired girl said when she was standing in the door opening.

"We love you too", Betty smiled and then watched as she shut the door and drove away in her car.

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