Yes, we're together {Sprousehart}

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Everyone from the Riverdale cast had been working their ass off these last week. Working 16 hours a day to finish filming season 3 on time.

The deadline was in a few days, meaning they were almost done. They were all exhausted. Working till after midnight. Catching some hours of sleep in their trailers and waking up before sunrise to start over.

Cole just finished one of his last scenes for the day. He walked into the cast tent. Only to find Lili asleep in her high chair. She was curled up like a ball, her knees pulled up to her chest.

Funfact about Lili, she can sleep anywhere, in any position, not that it was comfortable though.

"Lils", Cole sighed when he noticed her. He felt so bad for her, she worked probably the hardest of everyone on set.

"Mhh", she groaned while stretching her limbs. "Am I up again?" She asked.

"No", Cole shook his head, "I just wanted to see you. Why are you sleeping here, you're done, go to you're trailer"

She shook her head, "I can't, Roberto said I have to re-do a scene"

"I'm sorry", he said. Lili shrugged, jumped off her chair and then wrapped his arms around Cole.

He backed away. "What are you doing, someone could walk in any minute ", he warned her.

Indeed, they hadn't told their castmates about their relationship yet. They tried to hide it and act like friends on set. But they, and especially Lili, were having a hard time. They needed each other. She needed his hugs and kisses during the day. She couldn't wait until night to sneak out to his trailer and give him a goodnight kiss. And the same was for him.

"Believe me that's the least of my worries", Lili spoke. She wrapped her arms around him again and time he did too, knowing she needed it.

"My legs hurt, I have a headache and I can barely hold my eyes open", she said quietly in his chest.

"I wish I could make things better for you", Cole said.

"You do, without you I wouldn't been able to play the iconic blonde of the show", she answered and then sighed sighed, "I'm sorry I'm such a whiner, you're working these long days too, it's not only me who feels down"

"Right, but I know that you're doing so much your best. You deserve a day off"

Right then she felt her phone, that was in her back pocket, buzz. "That's my call", she said as she released herself out the hug and looked at her phone.

"You should go to sleep", she told Cole.

"Or I come with you and wait until you're done", he suggested.

But Lili shook her head again, "People will get suspicious", she said. "Just go to you're trailer, I see you in the morning"

"Alright then", Cole said. Lili stood up on her toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight", she said.

"Good luck blondie, and also goodnight", Cole said.

"Bye", Lili waved as she walked out of the tent, to set to go and film.

The next morning, almost everyone had gathered in the cast tent. Not everyone had to film right away so now they were just having breakfast together.

"I'm gonna run to that coffee shop right across the street, does anyone want anything?" Madelaine asked.

"Black coffee with caramel and no sugar", Cole spoke.

Everyone immediately turned to him in confusion. "Thought you didn't like coffee", Camila said with a frown on her face.

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