"Just wow" {Bughead}

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"You look so beautiful, honey", Alice beamed as her youngest daughter came walking down the stairs, wearing a beautiful pink prom dress.

"Thanks mom", she smiled lightly and looked down.

"Hey what's the matter?" The mother asked. "Everyone has a boyfriend or girlfriend, I'm going to be all alone", she explained.

"I thought Archie and Veronica invited you to go with them?"

"They did but they're together, I'll be third wheeling the whole night"

"What about Kevin?"

"He's gay and he has a boyfriend so that's not an option either", Betty explained and right then they heard a car pulling up on their driveway. "Well they're here", She sighed and grabbed her purse along with her phone.

"You're going to be fine", Alice told her daughter once again and gave her a light push in her back.

"Alright, bye mom", Betty waved before she closed the door behind her. She made her way to the car and got in into the back because Archie was driving and Veronica was in the passenger seat.

"B, you look gorgeous!" Veronica exclaimed the second her best friend entered the car. "Thank you, you guys don't look so bad yourself", She smiled, though she had rather have a boy telling her that she looked great.

"All the guys will be drooling over you", Veronica laughed.

"I wish", she replied to that.

A conversation about how good it would be if Betty had a boyfriend and they could go on double dates and stuff followed and before they knew it they were parked in front of the school, ready to walk into junior prom.

Like Betty had already thought, she would be a third wheel with Archie and Veronica. She knew her friends would do everything for her to have a great time but it was just no secret that so called Varchie were touchy and flirty in public.

They got out the car. Archie, as the gentleman that he was, opened Betty's door and Veronicas door but as they walked to the entrance he had his arm linked with his girlfriend's.

They posed for some pictures and when it was Betty's time for a picture Veronica wanted to pose with her, something that actually turned out as a great picture.

They got drinks and found a cute spot where they could sit. Everything was fine and they talked for a bit until someone called all the couples on the dance floor for a slowdance.

Of course all the couples, including Archie and Veronica, gathered on the dance floor, leaving Betty sitting all alone at the table.

She tried to watch her friends without getting too jealous and even tried to be happy them but she couldn't help but feel sad. It even got so worse that tears started to prickle her eyes.

Suddenly someone pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. "What is this precious young lady sitting here alone with tears in her eyes?" A boy said.

Betty looked up to see who it was. A good friend of Archie's, he would sometimes join them for lunch but he never spoke too much.

"Jughead Jones? Shouldn't you be on the dance floor with your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Toni, you mean? No we broke up a few weeks ago", he said.

"Oh I'm so sorry", Betty apologized quickly, she felt already bad for bringing it up.

"No it's fine, I called things off with her so", he told her and then he stood up. Betty thought he was going to leave but then he held his hand out for her. "Do you wanna dance?" He asked.

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