Distant {Bughead}

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Jughead and Betty had been dating for four months now and they both told each other they were ready to take their relationship to a next level. Aka sleeping together.

But even though they both agreed while making this decision together, Betty seemed to be a little distant lately.

Normally she would come home with him after school almost every day to do homework and cuddle later when they were done. But now she only came when he directly asked her and she left once they finished studying.

It was one of those Fridays when Jughead's parents both had to work really late and his sister was sleeping at a friends house. After the last period Betty was standing at her locker, collecting her books when suddenly a raven haired boy with a beanie wrapped his arms around her neck from behind.

"Hey", he said cheery and unwrapped his arms so he could lean against the locker next to Betty's to see her beautiful face.

"So what about you come over and we have a cozy movie night and who knows what happens after that", he suggested with a smirk on his face when he said the last part.

Betty knew what he meant and it made her very uncomfortable, like it did every time. "Sure, we can ask Archie and Veronica too", Betty replied.

Jughead stomach dropped, he for real thought this time was going to be without their friends because Betty somehow asked them every time. "I was thinking this time it could be-...", he started but unlucky for him so called "Varchie" walked up to them in that very moment.

"Hey guys, Jughead and I wanted to ask if you were up for a movie night at his house tonight", she asked them. Both Archie and Veronicas eyes moved to Jughead, checking if he wanted that too. He so badly wanted to just say no but he couldn't, it would make Betty sad and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Are we up for that Archiekins?" Veronica asked her boyfriend.

He looked one last time at Jughead who just gave up and nodded his head at his friend. "Sure", the redhead answered.

"Great see you guys later", Betty said and waved them goodbye as she walked along with Jughead to his car that was standing on the parking lot from the school.

They drove home, the ride wasn't silent but neither of them spoke about their relationship or the way they felt about it. Once they arrived at Jughead's trailer, Jughead unlocked the door and let Betty in first.

She dropped her bag on the ground and went to sit on the couch. "So what first?" Jughead asked, taking a seat next to her.

"Umh..what?" Betty asked, nervously. She had been thinking that he would question her about it and now she didn't know what was this about.

"Homework, which first math or english?" He asked again, more specific this time. "Oh, right. Maybe math", she spoke and so they began to make their homework.

Right as they finished they heard the sound of the doorbell, meaning that Archie and Veronica had arrived. "Hey bro, Veronica", Jughead greeted as he opened the door and let his two friends in.

In the meantime Betty had been collecting blankets and pillows from everywhere in the house and had put them on the couch to make it even more cozy. "Any movie suggestions?" She asked when they all made theirselves comfortable, both Jughead and Betty where cuddled up and Archie and Veronica in the same position.

"Maybe Kissing Booth", Veronica suggested.

"That's cheesy", Jughead complained.

"Nooo!" Betty and Veronica protested both at the same time. "Alright alright", he sighed and put it on.

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