"You smell like intercourse!" {Sprousehart}

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"Cole, Lili are you guys ready?" Roberto asked, walking into the cast tent asking if they were ready for their scene.

"Yes", they both said in unison. They stood up and walked with Roberto to the set of Betty's bedroom, wrapped in their bathrobes because they had to shoot a sex scene.

As they entered the set they both took off the their bathrobe so they were left in only their underwear. "Alright Cole I want you here", Roberto said, pointing to the right side of the bed. Cole got in and watched Lili, how her perfect body looked in that amazing black lingerie set.

"And you Lili sit on his lap, face to face", Roberto spoke before walking behind to camera to watch the screen.

Lili crawled in Coles lap and smiled at him weakly, Cole felt her body tense up in front of the camera. "It's okay, you look beautiful", Cole whispered and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "You can do this", he reassured her. Lili nodded and took a deep breath before changing the way she acted to Betty.

"And action!" One of the producers yelled.

Lili grabbed Coles face and started kissing him, letting moans and groans escape from both their mouths. Suddenly two phone started ringing, one was laying on the other side of the bed and one on Betty's bedside table.

"It's my dad", Cole said as Jughead while grabbing his phone from the duvet.
"It's my mom", Lili said as Betty while grabbing her phone from the bedside table.

"Hi mom?" She said confused as she brought the phone up to her ear.
"Dad?" Cole said while doing the same.

"AND CUT!" The director yelled.

"Good job guys, in only one take", Roberto said.

"It was pretty easy", Lili joked, referring to the make-out session.

"Well you're done for now so you can leave", he said and walked off himself.

Lili was about to go out of bed but when she moved she felt something hitting her inner tight. She looked directly into Cole's eyes, "Are you kidding me!", She whisper yelled.

"Wha- Omg I'm so sorry Lils", he said because he first didn't even noticed.

Lili saw his face turn bright red and she felt kinda bad for him. "It's fine okay we'll jut stay here for a little longer", she said while placing his hands on his cheeks. She then snuggled up against his chest as she noticed the cameraman and the producers looking at them. "This bed is soooo comfortable!" She exclaimed.

"We can stay her Lils", Cole said, playing along. "If that's fine for you guys of course?" He added, looking at the crew.

"Sure", they said and packed their stuff before walking out too.

Cole and Lili lay there for a while until Lili spoke. "Isn't it almost over?" She asked, referring to his little problem.

"I mean you laying on top of me with sexy lingerie isn't helping", he spoke, letting her now it wasn't over.
"You are gonna have to help me", he smirked.

"We're literally on set Cole", Lili answered serious.

"Who cares no one is here"

Lili sighed, he was right and if she was being honest she was kinda in the mood too. "Come over here love", Cole smirked as he helped Lili to sit in his lap again. He wrapped the duvet over both their bodies before starting with the pleasure.

"O-Ohmygod C-Cole", Lili moaned when she was close to her climax.

"Shh babe", Cole whispered and covered her mouth with his hand. "I'm close too"

Soon they both came and got dressed, "We have to take a shower quick", Lili said jumping out of the bed, "I'm covered in sweat"

"I hope they don't notice the sweat stains on the bed though", Cole laughed while jumping out of it too.

"If they ever find out we're dead"

"Just stop talking about it", Lili demanded. "Come", she then said and grabbed his hand, dragging him outside the room.

Out of the Cooper house they walked into Vanessa. "Lili I've been looking for you everywhere, your scene was done a hour ago", she said.

"We..uh..we", Lili mumbled, not knowing what to say.

A big smirked appeared on Vanessa's face, "Oh my god!" She laughed. The couple understood that she figured out what they did so Lili grabbed Coles hand and dragged him to her trailer.

"YOU SMELL LIKE INTERCOURSE!" Vanessa yelled after them.

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