Telling them {Sprousehart}

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Lili and Cole were sitting in the plastic chairs from the waiting room, waiting to be called in by the doctor. Today was their third checkup already, Lili was fourteen weeks along and they both couldn't be happier with a baby on the way.

They hadn't told anyone, expect for their families. Although Lili was already showing, she managed to hide it for the public and even harder their cast-masts, who were with them all the time.

They were planning on telling them after they knew for sure that the baby was growing well and there were no early pregnancy complications. And today would be the perfect day, if everything was still good with the little bean.

"What time is it?", Lili asked her boyfriend. He looked at his watch and read the time, "Ten, seventeen", he told her.

"She was supposed to get us at fifteen, we have to be on set in half an hour, Cole", the blonde already started to freak out.

"Lils, calm down, she'll be right up", Cole told her. He placed his hand on her leg and gave it a light squeeze. "Don't work yourself up to much, it's not good for munchkin", he told her and sent her a soft smile.

Lili nodded and right then the door from the doctors office opened and a woman's head came peaking out. "Reinhart?" She asked. Lili and Cole nodded and stood up.

"You may come in", she told the couple.

They made their way inside and took places on the chairs in front of the desk where they shook the woman's hand. "Lili tell me, how are you doing?" She asked right away.

"I'm fine actually, my morning sickness is getting better and now I'm actually craving food instead of getting sick from the smell", Lili answered.

"That's good", the woman said while she typed some of it on her laptop. "What about pains, have you had any in your back or in your feet?"

"When I'm working long days I feel it in my back sometimes, yes", she answered.


Lili looked at Cole and smiled, he smiled back letting her know he was still so happy that this was happening.

"Let's take a look at your baby, shall we?" The doctor said while standing up.

"Yes", Lili said and got told to lay on the treatment table with her shirt off. Cole came standing next to her and watched as the woman put some gel on her stomach and placed a stick on it before moving it around.

It took her less then ten seconds until she found the little human. "There she is", she smiled. It had become even more real for the couple when they found out there were having a girl last appointment and now they could call it 'her' or 'she' instead of 'it'.

"Cole'", Lili whispered. She looked up at her boyfriend and noticed he had tears filling his eyes, just like the other times they got to see their daughter.

He smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. "I want her now", he whispered, causing her to chuckle.

"I do too but she needs to grow a little bit more", she said.

"That's right, she's about the size of a kiwi now. But she's completely healthy as far as I can see so you're doing a great job, mom", they got told, making them both smile widely.

The doctor got some paper towels and cleaned Lili's stomach before saying, "I'll print you pictures and then you're ready to go"

"Yes, thanks", Lili smiled while she got off the table while Cole received the pictures in an envelope. They thanked her again, said goodbye and then walked out of the office.

"How do you feel about telling the cast today?" Cole asked as they were walking down the hall to the exit, their hands holding each other's.

"I would really like that", the blonde smiled. "I've had enough of hiding and I just want to tell people so badly"

"Yeah me too, but I'm glad we waited until now. Now we're sure everything going as it should", he told her.

"Mhm", she nodded and they reached their car.

"Let's go tell them", Cole said and the two got in the car before they drove off to set.

Today they would start with a new episode, meaning first they were all wanted for the table read of the episode. Cole and Lili thought that would be the best moment to announce their big news to their friends and coworkers.

Fifteen minutes later they pulled up at the parking lot and Cole parked their car next to Kj's car, what he for some reason always did. "Do we need the pictures?" Lili asked.

"You choose", Cole said.

"I was thinking that we could give one to Cami and one to Casey", she said. "Okay, we'll do that", he agreed.

They had already talked about this and together they agreed that they would ask Cami to be aunt and Casey to be uncle.

Cole took two pictures out of the enveloppe and handed them to Lili. "I'll put them in my purse and tell them when it feels right, okay?" She asked and got out of the car.

"Of course, my love", Cole smiled. He walked over to her and kissed her on the lips. "Let's go", he said and held his hand placed on her back while they made their way to the room for the table read.

As they got their they sat down on the chairs where their name tags were set up. Between Lili and Cole was Madelaine sitting but because she hadn't arrived yet they switched the cards so they could sit next to each other.

Cole's hand was placed on Lili's thigh and she had stupid smile plastered on her face as she couldn't get the idea of telling everyone about their new family member out of her head.

"Lovebirds", they heard Mädchen whisper with heart eyes from the other side of the table.

That comment caused a red shade to form on Lili's cheeks, she quickly hid her face in Cole's chest. He chuckled and placed a kiss on her head.

"Goodmorning", they suddenly heard. Lili looked up a little and saw the last ones, Madelaine and Camila, arriving before she turned her head back to her boyfriends chest.

"What's happening over there?" Cami asked and nudged her head to the couple. "Just some casual PDA", Casey smirked.

"Funny Cott", Cole fake laughed. "Lili and I are just very happy", he told everyone. "Right Lils?"

She looked up and nodded, "We have some news"

"Oehh, show us the ring!" Casey exclaimed, making the couple both laugh.

"We're not getting married", Lili said. "Yet", Cole added and laughed, Lili slapped his chest playfully.

"Then what is the news?" Mads asked because everyone seemed to be curious.

"Well...", the blonde started, she looked at Cole and he placed his hand on her stomach. "We're pregnant!"

They looked at their friends, some of them had their hands in front of their mouths in disbelief, others had their eyes big and mouths open.

"Congratulations!" Madelaine was the first to congratulate them, she was sitting next to the couple and hugged her friends. The others followed and all told them how happy they were for them and that they would make great parents.

Lili and Cole also asked Casey and Cami to be uncle and aunt and they were absolutely over the moon and promised them to spoil their little girl with presents, even though Lili didn't want them to spend all their money on her.

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