"M-my d-dad he.." {Bughead}

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"F-Fuck...", Jughead cried at the feeling of the stinging pain in his cheek. And the rain that fell down on it didn't make it any better.

He cried while wandering around on the streets of the beautiful Riverdale. But eventually it got dark and cold, he needed to find a place to stay but there was no way he was going back home to his dad.

He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed the number of his girlfriend before the screen was covered in raindrops. "B-betts are y-you home?" He sobbed the second she picked up.

"Yes, Jug is everythi-..", she tried to ask but before she could finish Jughead already stopped the call and made his way to the Cooper house.

When he got there he saw the door open and Betty's figure standing their, waiting for him. "Jug!" She yelled when he appeared because of the streetlights.

"Bet-..", he tried to say but broke down in tears again.

Betty ran outside and grabbed his hand to pull him with her. When they entered her house he broke down in her arms as the events from earlier that night came back into his head. "Shh shh, come baby", Betty shushed him and walked him to the couch, where she took his wet body in her embrace.

"Jug what happened?" She asked carefully, her hand playing with his hair because she knew that made him calm.

"M-my d-dad he..he..."

"Shh you don't have to say it, I know enough", she said. She remembered him telling her about his dad being abusive when he's drunk. But she never thought her boyfriend would be crying in her arms in the middle of the night because of it.

"I'm here for you", Betty told him and let him cry out all his emotions.

"Jug", she said after a while. He lifted up his head, showing her he was listening. "Why don't you take a shower? Your clothes are soaked, I don't want you to get sick", she suggested.

"Yeah", he answered quietly, his voice was thick and hoarse because of all the crying.

Jughead stood up so Betty did too and grabbed his hand before walking him to her bathroom. She grabbed him towels and a shirt from him that she had and handed it to him. "I'll wait in my room for you", she told him and was about to leave but then Jughead spoke up.

"Betty?" His voice sounded. Betty turned around and her eyes widened when she noticed the bruises on his cheek, but she decided to just listen to her boyfriend.

"Thank you", he said.

"Of course babe", Betty answered and walked closer to him to kiss him on the lips.

"I love you", Jughead said when they both pulled away.

"I love you too", Betty answered and then left the bathroom so he could take a shower. She went downstairs to grab some disinfectant and stuff. By the time she got back in her room she heard to shower stream stop so she knew he was almost ready.

She went to sit on her bed and waited for her boyfriend to come out of the bathroom. When he did she sent him a soft smile and almost immediately received on back. "Had a nice shower?" She asked him.

"I did", he answered and walked over to her.

"Sit", Betty said and Jughead sat on the bed, listening to her. "Juggie I know you don't like it but I have to clean your wounds", she told him.

"Ok", he simply answered.

"Just like that?" She frowned.

"Yes", he smiled, "I know I'm in good hands so you get to play doctor again"

Betty smiled and grabbed to disinfectant, she put it on a little cloth. "I'm sorry if I hurt you", she told him before placing it on his wounds. Jughead winced in pain so Betty grabbed his hand and gave a little kiss on it.

When she was done she went to put the stuff away and when she came back she saw that Jughead was already under the covers in her bed. "Being comfortable I see", Betty smiled.

"Not without you", he spoke. Betty giggled and got in the bed as well, snuggling closer to him.

"I'm sorry about your dad", she said.

"It's okay, I'm just glad I have somewhere to go and someone that I can thrust with this problem"

"You should talk to him, maybe he doesn't even know what he does when he's drunk"


Then there fell a silence and Betty decided to say something but then she noticed that her loverboy had already fallen asleep. "Good night Juggie", she whispered and laid her head on his chest before dozing off too.

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