Stomach flu, or not...{Sprousehart}

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I was their yearly break from filming Riverdale so the cast decided to go on a vacation with everyone. Cole had planned a nice trip to Mexico but they decided to stay inside the hotel mostly because they would get recognized to much.

The day they left Lili wasn't feeling great. Cole told her they could stay home but she insisted on going and said it would go over as she thought it was from her plane fear. Though it didn't go over. They had been in their hotel for three days now and Lili was still feeling horrible, and this morning wasn't different from the previous.

There was a knock on the door so Cole got up and opened it. "Hey Camila", he greeted.

"Hi, how's Lili doing?" She asked straight away.

Cole looked at her sad while shaking his head. "She just had to throw up and now she's sleeping again", he told her and then signalled for her to come in.

They went to sit on the edge of her bed and looked at the sleeping blond. "I'm starting to get worried, Cam", Cole said, "She hasn't eaten in four days because she throws it up if she does"

Camila sighed, "Maybe we can ask if there's a doctor in the hotel"

"I guess. By the way did you have breakfast yet?"

"Yes if you want go can go now the boys were going now also", she told him, "I'll stay with her"

"Thank you", Cole said, kissed Lili's head and then left the room quietly so she wouldn't wake up.

After a while Lili started to stir, she reached her arm out to the other side of the bed and expected to feel her boyfriend. But when she didn't she started to cry. "Hey Lils don't cry I'm here", Cami said and pulled her in for a hug.

"W-Where's C-Cole?" She sobbed.

"Cole is having breakfast he'll be back soon" Just then there was a knock on the door and it opened slowly.

Cole walked in holding a plate with some bread on it. "Lils!" He exclaimed when he saw Lili was awake. "Are you crying? What's wrong?!" He asked worried. He placed the plate on the bedside table and then quickly hopped in the bed so he was close to her.

Lili wrapped her arms around him and cried in his chest, "I-I don't f-feel good", she sobbed.

"I know love..I know", Cole whispered while rubbed her back.

Suddenly Lili unwrapped her arms from Cole and ran to the bathroom. Cole followed her and crouched down next to her to hold her hair back while she threw up.

"Cami! Can you go ask for a doctor?" Cole yelled from the bathroom.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

Lili flinched from the yelling and Cole noticed because she tensed up in his arms. "It's okay Lils....You're gonna be okay", he told her and then kissed her shoulder a few times. A few minutes later when Lili was all cleaned up again they lay in bed together, waiting for Cami and a doctor because Camila had called them saying there was indeed a doctor in the hotel.

It took them a while but eventually a doctor arrived at their hotel room and Camila had left to give them some privacy. The man asked Lili a few questions and then asked, "I there a chance you could be pregnant maybe?"

Lili laughed, "No we always use protection"

"Well then I think it's just a bad stomach flu but you should check up by your personal doctor if it doesn't get away"

"Okay thank you", Lili thanked him. When he left she noticed that Cole had been very quiet ever since the doctor got there. "Babe? What is it?" She asked confused.

Cole shrugged and continued to stare blankly in front of him. "Cole?" Lili asked worried, she cupped his face and made him look up at her.

"I know what you might have...", he whispered.

"I would like to know, doctor Sprouse", Lili joked, luckily she was feeling better now.

He moved his hand to her and placed it on her still flat stomach. Lili immediately knew what he meant  and dropped her hands from his cheeks. "That's impossible", she said, a little bit of a mad tone in her voice.

Cole said nothing but shook his head.

"Well then explain!"

"Lils don't get mad okay..if you are then I'll help you we're in this together", he told her to calm her down.

"Just explain already", Lili said again with a sigh this time.

He rubbed his forehead, "It was broken...but I thought that a little hole wouldn't matter...but..but it did", he said being disappointed in hisself.

Lili sighed and stood up, crossing her arms and walking around the room nervously and mad. "The condom was broken and you fucking tell me that now!" Lili yelled.


"Cole this is seriou-...", she yelled again but this time she got cut of by Cole grabbing her hands and standing in front of her.

"I know and I'm sorry", he told her.

Just then it hit Lili, if this was true then there was a baby growing inside of her. She teared up and watched Cole wipe them away as they trailed down her cheeks. "Baby, it's going to be okay...I support you, everyone's going to support us", he said.

"I-I'm s-sorry for y-yelling", Lili sobbed and broke down in his chest.

"It's okay...I love you and I'll love this baby no matter what", Cole whispered while wrapped his arms protectively around her.

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