Meeting him at the party {Bughead}

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"Come on, B, you're too stiff. You need to be more outgoing and have fun", Veronica whined from Betty's bed, where she was laying on her stomach.

"I don't know, V, I don't even have anything to wear", Betty sighed while she opened her dressed and looked through her clothes. "See, can't go without clothes", she pointed out.

The truth was that Betty wasn't in the mood for another classic high school party thrown by Cheryl Blossom herself. Veronica made her go last year too but she didn't like it. That was also the first and last party she'd ever go to, at least that's what she told herself. Because now she was yet again getting convinced by her friend.

"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard", Veronica laughed while rolling over on back.

" know I don't like parties, and especially not with drunk people", The blond finally admitted.

"That's kind of the point, getting drunk" Veronica said before she got up. "Just let me find you something cute and we'll see what happens there, okay?"

"Alright", Betty mumbled under her breath when Veronica completely dodged the fact that she'd rather stay home tonight.

The raven haired girl made her way to her friends clothes and looked through her clothes. "This would do", she eventually said when getting out a tight brown skirt with a yellow v-neck shirt.

"Isn't that too exposed?" Betty asked insecure.

"No, its perfect", Veronica kept going. "Here", she said while handing it to her friend.

Betty got dressed in the clothes and Veronica fixed her hair and makeup a bit before they were all set and ready for the party. They left around ten and when they got there they saw that there were already a lot of people drunk.

"Come on!" Veronica exclaimed. She grabbed Betty's hand and dragged her into the crowd of people.

"Dance!" She told her when she stayed still.

"This isn't really my scene, you know", Betty told her carefully. She didn't want to hurt her feelings even though she knew Betty didn't like it.

"I know what you need", Veronica said, pointing a finger at the blond. "Wait here" She ran off, leaving Betty alone between sweaty, drunk teenagers.

Sometimes when someone walked past an arm or back would touch her and she even got a few weird looks from people. To avoid any more glances at her she decided to lightly sway on the beat, just a casual step left, put back, step right, put back rhythm.

"He-hey!!" She suddenly heard from behind her. When she turned around she got met with her friend Toni, whose pink hair was recognizable from across the room.

"Toni hey!", Betty said, happy she saw someone she knew. But then the girl zoned off and started dancing like crazy as if nobody else was in the room, making Betty wonder where the hell Veronica was and when she would be back.

"Have you seen Veronica?" Betty asked her while touching her shoulder lightly.

Toni looked around the room and spotted the latina. "T-There!" She pointed at their friend who was trying to make her way through the crowd. "Ronnie! Ron-nie!" she kept yelling even though she already noticed them.

"Hi!!" Veronica exclaimed when she saw them. "There go you", she told Betty while handing her a cup.

She brought it to her nose and smelled it, her face wrinkled in disgust. "I-It's beer", Toni told her.

"Yeah, I figured", the blond chuckled before taking little sips. If she had to be honest she wasn't really a beer-girl, more of wine-girl.

"So any cute guys?" Veronica asked her.

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